This would have been the rural Chevrolet Corsa II, if it were not for Meriva

Chevrolet’s strategy during the early 2000s was somewhat altered by certain “overlaps” of some models. Among them was clearly the mythical Corsa.

The first generation came with years of success, although General Motors did not want the car to stay in time. For that, the second edition was not long in coming for the year 2002, but with itself came some inconveniences. The main… find the right place.

What was it due to?

In both Argentina and Brazil, the bun decided to continue offering the Corsa I as an entry modelwhile the second generation quickly became the novelty from the aesthetic point of view, comfort, engine and equipment.

To differentiate them, in both countries the name “Classic” appeared (It depends on the market, in one it was Corsa Classic and in another “just plain” Classic), but over time there was a certain “cannibalization” between the versions of one and the configurations of the other.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that one of the most remembered variants was the Corsa Wagonrural version that had debuted in 1997 with the first generation.

Although it was successful, With the launch of the second edition of the hatch, the project that would give life to the next generation of the family model began to circulate. In Europe, some sketches circulated on the Opel side (a brand that offered and offers the Corsa in the Old Continent), but none of that prospered.

Why? General Motors presented in 2002, a revolutionary model for the time. It was Merivaa minivan produced in Brazil that came to break certain schemes and that in some way subtracted “wagon” customers, even in other brands that also offered rural.

That was why from Chevrolet they thought of continuing to offer the rural version of the first generation, but not betting on a variant of these characteristics in the incoming edition.

To find out what a “rural” setting might have looked like, Overboost BR recreated the possible design that the Corsa Wagon II would have had.

Chevrolet Corsa Wagon II

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