This would be the reason behind the alleged bad vibes between Loreto Aravena and Josefina Montané

Written in TRENDS the 3/5/2022 · 15:43 hs

Over the weekend, the statements he issued were released. loreto aravena on Nicholas Lopez before the Public Ministry and the Investigative Police. Within these sayings, the actress mentioned a colleague of hers, Josefina Montanéwho at the time, also denounced the filmmaker.

“I have known her since her career started. I worked on ‘Soltera Otra Vez’ 1, 2 and 3. She always struck me as a girl who was regarding to be more pretty than talented. She had a hard time acting, she had many meetings with Herval Abreu to improve ”were part of his statement.

Adding that he always saw Montané at Nicolás López events and that she always spoke well of him. “She never spoke to me regarding him like he had jotted her or something similar. Nor did Nicolás speak to me regarding her, except that he found her pretty,” said the actress from “Los 80”.

These sayings caused a stir in entertainment since in simple words, Loreto Aravena would have said that Pin Montané came to television just because she was pretty.

The analysis of Raquel Argandoña

so in Star Zone They decided to discuss the issue Rachel Argandon launched a controversy involving Aravena’s current partner, Max Luksic.

“I don’t know whether to tell it, but I’m going to say it… They are rumours, and when there are rumours, it’s for a reason,” La Raca began, true to his style.

“Everyone knows that Loreto Aravena is the current partner of the owner of Channel 13, Max Luksic. They ended up for a while, they were separated for a long time and the rumor that spread in the corridors of Channel 13 was that Don Max Luksic found Pin Montané great”revealed Argandoña causing surprise in the panel.

“That week, when they were fighting, like Pin Montané was invited several times to Welcome, she is very loving, great, she was doing the musical Mamma Mia, they were even going to do a program for Pin, and we were fantastic, happy” , recalled regarding his time on Channel 13.

“That she is pretty has nothing to do with it because she is very professional, she has been improving, she is a good actress, she did the musical”mentioned the mother of Kel Calderon, defending Montané.

“Then they were fighting and there Pin as it took strength and people are very bad and the comments begin,” he said, noting that it was a rumor but that it might be the reason for today’s alleged rivalry.

“I think Loreto Aravena never had a very good vibe with Pin Montané,” Raquel Argandoña closed.

What do you think of the sayings of La Raca? He comments on @DUPLOS.CL



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