This will happen in the future on WhatsApp if you tap and hold on your profile picture

2023-12-22 05:44:00

In the future, if you press and hold on the profile picture on WhatsApp, a new menu will open. Here you can find out what purpose this serves.

In recent months, WhatsApp has repeatedly rolled out new functions that are intended to make life easier for messenger users. For example, we are working on new features that are activated by long-pressing the send button or by double-clicking on a message.

WhatsApp also introduced the use of two accounts on one smartphone a few months ago – a feature that many users have been waiting for for some time.

WhatsApp: Open a second account by long-pressing the profile picture

A second smartphone is no longer necessary for a second WhatsApp account. Image: WhatsApp

What many people might not be aware of is that opening a second account is particularly easy with a little trick. If you press and hold on your profile picture, a pop-up menu opens where you can add a second account (via: You can then easily switch between accounts by pressing the profile picture.

In order to set up a second account, users always need a second telephone number. In addition, the smartphone to be used must support Multi-SIM or eSIM. So far, however, the feature only seems to be available for Android users. iOS users will probably have to be patient.

WhatsApp beta for Android

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