this will be your profile picture and it will force you to have it

The popular menu servicesajeria snapshot WhatsApp has released that an update to its platform digital will bring changes to its more than 2.5 billion customers around the world that will soon see changes in the way they display Profile pictures of the users.

By the number of clients with an active user account, in addition to the volume of downloads that this account has application they hold it as one of the most used around the world, and the most important in its segment.

The way you view the image shown by each of your contacts will change when the changes are released to users with a upgrade next.

First was the news portal WaBetaInfo the one who anticipated the way in which this information will be presented, since the images will appear as thumbnails in each notification to your smartphone with the chats with new messages.

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These changes respond to a new WhatsApp system – a company that, like Instagram belonging to Meta, formerly known as Facebook– and that will let you see the profile photos in the notifications that your mobile sends you.

With each new message you receive in your individual chats or group conversations, a thumbnail preview of your contact’s profile photo.

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The specialized portal itself warns that the messaging platform may work with some inconsistencies when updating your profile photos in some notifications due to the fact that this functionality is still in the beta phase from his developing.

This is why it is convenient to wait for the company to continue working on refining this function before it is officially launched and while it is polished, this advance will be able to be released so that its many users can test it.

For more information on this and other topics, visit the section on Technology from My pocket.


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