This Week’s Highlights: Must-Read Stories You Won’t Want to Overlook


Below is a review of the most important headlines of the weekly newspapers:

Desalination of seawater.. an inevitable solution, but it consumes energy (Finance News Hebdo)

Morocco is going through a transformation in the face of its severe water crisis. After years of prolonged drought and increasingly scarce rainfall, the country has taken the decisive decision to accelerate seawater desalination projects to meet its growing water demand. However, this process is actually very energy intensive. Reverse osmosis (a water filtration technology), the most widely used in Morocco, consumes around 4 kilowatt-hours per cubic meter of water produced. In other words, producing water for major cities and the agricultural and industrial sectors alone requires a huge amount of energy. In this regard, energy management consultant Saïd Kamra said, “The ten plant projects under construction will have an annual electricity requirement of 1.57 terawatt-hours per year, which requires 450 megawatts, or even 900 megawatts, of renewable energy to achieve the target of 800 million cubic meters per year, or 50 percent of current needs.”

Health.. Imbalance between public and private sectors widens inequality gap in access to care (Finance News Hebdo)

The new healthcare system is supposed to be firmly based on two pillars, one the public sector and the other the private sector, otherwise its balance could be upset. In this regard, these two sectors should not work in opposition, but rather in synergy and cooperation, and develop, as much as possible, in a balanced manner. However, the private sector has witnessed an exceptional development, while public hospitals have not kept pace, despite some notable achievements. In this context, Abdelmajid Belaich, an expert in the pharmaceutical industry, pointed out in an interview with the newspaper that “this imbalance is likely to widen the gap in terms of access to healthcare and in terms of quality, especially for the most deprived citizens or those living in remote or isolated rural areas.”

Libyan Minister: “There are promising opportunities for Moroccan investors” in Libya (TelQuel)

Abdelhadi Ibrahim Lahouij, the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that negative foreign interventions are preventing the Libyan parties from reaching an agreement, despite the fact that UN resolutions confirm that this approach is the only solution to the current situation, noting that Morocco is committed to this path, and that it “has no agenda in Libya other than returning to stability.” In an interview with the newspaper, he said that “there are promising opportunities for Moroccan investors, as all of Libya is undergoing reconstruction,” citing in particular the major projects in the south of the country, which include construction and public works, and the restoration of water, electricity and sanitation infrastructure, in addition to opportunities in the fields of renewable energy, health, medicine and services.

Direct financial aid replaces the “One Million Wallets” initiative (La Nouvelle Tribune)

The “One Million Schoolbags” initiative, which benefits needy Moroccan families at the beginning of each new school year, takes on a new form this year, as the government has decided to replace it with direct financial support starting from the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. This financial support will help needy families reduce the costs of returning to school, especially the purchase of books and school supplies, which will help reduce the school dropout rate and improve school enrollment indicators.

Tourism: “Kafaa” program aims to recognize 7,550 professionals by 2026 (La Nouvelle Tribune)

The Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatima Zahra Ammor, confirmed that the “Kafaa” program for the certification of professional experience aims to recognize the skills of 7,550 professionals in the tourism sector by 2026, with an initial goal of issuing 1,100 recognitions during 2024. She explained that this first part covers a wide range of basic professions, such as reception, catering and tourist accommodation, adding that it concerns receptionists, all the way to head chefs, passing through hotel supervisors and managers.

#Weekly #headlines
2024-09-11 09:00:24

Agadir info 24

Agadir24: Catching Up on the ⁢Latest <a data-ail="6250160" target="_self" href="" >News</a> ​and Headlines ⁤from Morocco


Agadir, a city located in southwest Morocco, ⁣is a ‌hub for ⁤news and current ⁢events. ​In this article, we will ⁤delve into the latest headlines from ⁣various sources, providing an overview of the current ​state of affairs in Morocco.

Desalination of Seawater: An Inevitable Solution?

According to Finance​ News ⁤Hebdo, Morocco is accelerating its‍ seawater desalination projects to meet ⁣its growing water⁣ demand. However, this process is energy-intensive, ⁢with reverse osmosis consuming around 4 kilowatt-hours per ⁣cubic meter of water produced. Energy management consultant Saïd ​Kamra emphasized the need for 450​ megawatts ⁢of renewable energy to achieve the ⁢target of⁢ 800 million cubic meters per year ‌ [[1]].

Healthcare⁣ Imbalance: Widening the Inequality Gap

The same publication highlights the ​imbalance between ‌the public and⁣ private healthcare sectors in Morocco. While the private sector⁤ has witnessed exceptional development, public hospitals have not kept pace. Abdelmajid Belaich, an expert in the pharmaceutical industry, warns that this imbalance may widen the gap in access to healthcare and quality, particularly for ⁤underprivileged citizens or those living in remote areas [[1]].

Libyan Minister: Promising Opportunities for Moroccan ⁣Investors

In an‌ interview​ with TelQuel, Libyan Minister of ‌Foreign Affairs⁢ Abdelhadi Ibrahim Lahouij⁢ expressed that ​Morocco is ⁢committed to ‌supporting Libya’s return ​to stability. He also highlighted the ‍promising opportunities for Moroccan investors in‍ Libya, ​particularly in construction,⁢ public works, and‍ renewable⁤ energy ⁤projects [[1]].

Direct Financial Aid Replaces “One Million ‍Wallets” Initiative

La Nouvelle Tribune ⁢reports that the “One Million Schoolbags” initiative,‍ which⁤ benefits ‌needy Moroccan families, has been replaced with direct financial support starting from the‌ 2024-2025 school year. This ⁣move⁤ aims ‍to reduce the costs ​of returning to school and improve school enrollment‌ indicators ​ [[1]].

Tourism: “Kafaa” Program‍ Aims to Recognize 7,550 Professionals by 2026

La Nouvelle Tribune also reports on the “Kafaa” program, which aims⁣ to‌ recognize 7,550 professionals‍ in the tourism​ industry by 2026. This initiative is part of ‌the Moroccan government’s efforts to develop the ⁢tourism ⁢sector [[1]].

Agadir Today: Reopening of the​ Consulate‍ of the Republic of Poland

In other news, Agadir Today reports on the reopening of the‌ Consulate of the Republic of Poland ⁤in Agadir, ⁤with Souad Bennani installed⁣ as‌ its Honorary Consul ⁤ [[2]].

Agadir ⁤Customer ‌Spotlight: Brianna Stanko

AgadirInt⁣ features⁣ a customer spotlight on ⁢Brianna⁣ Stanko, a fan of their products​ who has featured them in her favorites⁤ videos [[3]].


Agadir24 provides a comprehensive overview of the latest news and headlines from Morocco, ⁢covering topics such as seawater ‌desalination, ‌healthcare, Libyan‌ investment opportunities, education, tourism, and more.⁣ Stay ⁤informed ‌about the ⁤current events ⁣shaping ​the country’s future.





Here is a related question for the title “Weekly News Review: Agadir24”:

Weekly News Review: Agadir24

Agadir24, a prominent news outlet, has compiled a comprehensive review of the most important headlines from various weekly newspapers. This review covers a range of topics, including Morocco’s water crisis, healthcare system, Libyan investment opportunities, and more.

Desalination of Seawater: An Inevitable Solution but Energy-Intensive

Morocco is facing a severe water crisis due to prolonged drought and scarce rainfall. To address this issue, the country has accelerated seawater desalination projects to meet its growing water demand. However, this process is energy-intensive, with reverse osmosis, the most widely used technology in Morocco, consuming around 4 kilowatt-hours per cubic meter of water produced. Energy management consultant Saïd Kamra estimates that the ten plant projects under construction will require 450 megawatts, or even 900 megawatts, of renewable energy to achieve the target of 800 million cubic meters per year, or 50 percent of current needs [[1]].

Healthcare System Imbalance Widens Inequality Gap

The new healthcare system in Morocco is supposed to balance public and private sectors, but the private sector has witnessed exceptional development, while public hospitals have not kept pace. This imbalance is likely to widen the gap in terms of access to healthcare and quality, especially for the most deprived citizens or those living in remote or isolated rural areas [[2]].

Libyan Minister: Promising Opportunities for Moroccan Investors

Abdelhadi Ibrahim Lahouij, the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, has stated that there are promising opportunities for Moroccan investors in Libya, as the country undergoes reconstruction. He noted that Morocco is committed to supporting Libya’s return to stability and has no agenda other than this. The major projects in the south of Libya include construction and public works, restoration of water, electricity, and sanitation infrastructure, as well as opportunities in renewable energy [[3]].

Direct Financial Aid Replaces “One Million Wallets” Initiative

The Moroccan government has replaced the “One Million Wallets” initiative with direct financial aid. This move aims to provide targeted support to those in need [[4]].

Tourism: “Kafaa” Program Aims to Recognize 7,550 Professionals by 2026

The Moroccan tourism sector is set to benefit from the “Kafaa” program, which aims to recognize 7,550 professionals by 2026. This initiative is part of the government’s efforts to develop the tourism industry and create more job opportunities [[5]].

this week’s headlines highlight the challenges and opportunities facing Morocco, from addressing the water crisis to developing the healthcare system and fostering investment opportunities in Libya. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends on Agadir24.






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