“This wasn’t my left” –

Edoardo Sirignano

«We must counter ideas, stating our own proposals and opinions, but never attack a human being as a woman, whether she is a prime minister, a parliamentarian, a politician or a mayor. Even though I don’t agree with Giorgia Meloni’s policies or her way of communicating, this can never become a reason for someone to offend her or denigrate her from a personal point of view. The rapper from Foggia has nothing to do with either the left of yesterday or today.” This was stated by the former Minister of Education and national leader of the Democratic Party Valeria Fedeli.

How do you judge the language of Gennarone, who, in front of three thousand people, defines the prime minister as a bummer?
“I am always for the condemnation of language that offends, denigrates and humiliates, just as I am once morest what too often happens to women who are in politics, including the prime minister.”

The worst youth: Meloni insulted by the rapper at the big concert and the left is still silent

Meanwhile, what is causing discussion is the silence of the left…
«My left, that of today, as well as that of the past, never indulges in this type of attack, both towards its opponents. Even if he is a rapper, a model for many young people who follow him, because he probably makes good music, the moment he has an attitude of denigration, sexism and chauvinism he is always to be condemned.”

Even more serious if an institution ends up in the crosshairs…
«There must always be respect for people, from the humblest to those in institutions. It is our way of conceiving the quality of the relationship. The discussion must take place on the merits of the issues.”

“Left-wing press and Europe”.  Salvini invokes the

The artist, meanwhile, highlights, once once more, the controversy over anti-fascism. What is your idea of ​​him?
«It would be enough for each of us to reread the debate of the constituent fathers and mothers, who discussed defining and writing every single article of the Constitution, to understand that what united everyone (Catholics, communists, socialists, liberals or better yet all those who participated in the Resistance) is anti-fascism. It is the root of our Charter.”

As he points out, however, anti-fascism should not belong to just one party…
«It should belong to everyone, being the founding reason of the Constitution. It wasn’t just those on the left who started the Resistance.”

Wouldn’t it be better to focus the debate more on current issues and less on something outdated?
«My way of doing politics, coming from the CGIL of Lama, Trentin and Di Vittorio, is based on providing analysis. What you have to present yourself for when asking for a vote should be exclusively the proposal. This is what my teachers taught me. Making a comparison that only destroys other people’s opinions is not convincing to me. You have to say no to what the other party does, but equally you should say I do this, explaining why it’s better. Such an attitude would demonstrate a mature democracy, a political ability of the ruling classes to carry out their responsibilities as best as possible.”

Vannacci distorted and exploited, Orsini's defense displaces Berlinguer

#wasnt #left #Tempo
2024-05-03 12:04:41



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