This time, the word woman did not dare to be used in the German state media

The woke craze continues to rage in Germany, this time the public service ARD and ZDF’s youth internet network called “Funk” ignited the debate regarding the “correct” names of women. The youth content provider, which is also present on social media platforms, published a post on Instagram regarding physical complaints experienced during menstruation. “Funk” called the sufferers “menstruating people”, reports Magyar Nemzet.

In Germany, many menstruating people struggle with PMS symptoms (Premenstrual Syndrome -ed.) in the days or even weeks before menstruation, the post says.

“Fatigue, increased irritability, headaches and backaches, digestive problems: these are just some of the symptoms that many menstruating women experience between ovulation and bleeding,” the German public service youth service wrote on its Instagram page. A bit later, Funk explained why menstruators weren’t called women in the post.

We didn’t mean to offend anyone with the term “menstruating people”. For example, menopausal women no longer menstruate. Menstruation is not equal to being a woman, and being a woman is not equal to menstruation

– was the specific explanation.

So far, all of this has caused mixed reactions from users – pointed out the portal Junge Freiheit.

One commenter noted wryly:

Thank you for your post, which took into account that not only menstruating women suffer, but also other people with wombs, and that not all women menstruate, which was equally important to note.

Another commenter expressed his outrage directly. “I’m pro-gender, but menstruating people, no! Women menstruate, women give birth, and women are disadvantaged in too many places in this society, they are not treated as equals!” From the latter comment, it is clear that committed supporters of women’s equal opportunities, otherwise liberal-minded people, do not agree with the absurdity of the woke or LGBTQ propaganda, which also casts doubt on the fundamental legality of biological sexes. The public service youth channel thus stepped on the “woke gas pedal” once more, even though the ARD Tagesschau news portal might barely explain the scandal a few days earlier, when mothers were called “parents” presumably for ideological reasons.



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