This time the OÖN health tour is about menopause

In the USA, menopause is called “The Change”. The years following midlife are a phase of change for women. Every third woman between the ages of 45 and 55 to 60 suffers from falling estrogen levels – the others cope well with the symptoms or hardly notice anything.

“The most common complaints are irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disorders, mood swings and reduced desire,” says Lukas Angleitner-Boubenizek, head of the gynecology and obstetrics department at the Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen-Klinikum Steyr, who will be at the OÖN health tour next Thursday, April 25th April, questions will be answered in the clinic – even when it comes to the topic of how the symptoms can be successfully alleviated. The range extends from herbal preparations to hormone replacement therapy, in which a hormone deficiency is compensated for with medication.

Sports scientist and Uniqa vitality coach Barbara Schagerl-Müllner advises getting more exercise into your life during this phase: “Women who are active in sports have been proven to suffer less frequently from symptoms such as hot flashes.” In order to make a difference, women usually have to shift up a gear when it comes to sport. “I recommend a mixture of two units of strength training and two to three units of endurance exercise throughout the week. Unfortunately, a leisurely walk with your girlfriend is not enough.”

But well-being can also be increased with the right diet. Martina Voglsam, senior dietitian at the Steyr Clinic, recommends a varied diet that specifically includes foods rich in protein, calcium and vitamin D. This strengthens the bones and counteracts the increased risk of osteoporosis.

Change health tour

On Thursday, April 25th, primary Lukas Angleitner-Boubenizek, Barbara Gruber-Resch, gynecologist at Steyr Clinic, Martina Voglsam, senior dietician at the Steyr Clinic and Barbara Schagerl-Müllner, Uniqa vital coach and Sports scientist.

Admission is free, and there will be a healthy snack following the health talk.


Barbara Rohrhofer

Head of Life and Health Editorial Team

Barbara Rohrhofer

Barbara Rohrhofer


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