This startup wants to store data on… the Moon

– Dima Zel /

A server farm soon to be buried on the Moon? In any case, this is what a startup wishes to do. Explanations.

It is the startup Lonestar Data Holdings which is at the initiative of this project. As explained The Register, his idea is to help in future lunar missions and save human knowledge after the eventual demise of Earth. A place that would be much safer to store important information. “If we don’t, what will happen to our data on Earth? The seed bank was flooded due to the effects of climate change. It is also susceptible to other forms of destruction such as war or cyberattacks”explained Christopher Stott, founder and CEO of Lonestar Data Holdings.

According to this startup, one of the main advantages of storing data on the Lune is that its nearest surface always faces the Earth. This makes communications directly visible and simpler. According to a Press releasethe company is already operating “the world’s first web server on the International Space Station”. Lonestar Data Holdings has also signed a contract with NASA-funded aerospace company Intuitive Machines. The goal? Launch the first technology demonstrations on the Moon under the space agency’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services program.

Finally, the company still has many obstacles to overcome before the final realization of this project: to land something softly on the Moon can be extremely difficult due to the temperatures which fluctuate wildly and the presence of cosmic rays. This is why Lonestar Data Holdings plans to store its centers inside lava tubes, which could provide a much more stable environment. But these remain hypothetical and no one has ever visited them until now.

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