This question cannot be said on the air!.. a link that embarrasses the media, Doaa Farouk, about practicing intimacy in this way.. and the latter gets excited by her reaction.! !

Doaa Farouk is considered one of the most famous media personality, and has worked in many radio stations and television channels, including Aqra channel and An-Nahar channel.

In one of the episodes, the Egyptian media, Doaa Farouk, was surprised by a caller trying to ask her about the marital relationship between her and her husband.

The caller said: In the intimate relationship between us, needs happen, so I don’t know if they are halal or haram, and I want to know from you.

Doaa Farouk was upset by this question and could not control herself and said: I do not know and I don’t like that things like this are said on the air, then I asked for the opinion of the sheikh who hosted him.

On his part, the Sheikh said: The Lord of the Worlds says: ((Your women are a field for you, so come to your tillage wherever you wish)) Everything that happens between a husband and his wife is permissible, except that intercourse is from the back, which is not permissible, and everything else is permissible.

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