This player has completed the game 7 times and he only discovers an ultra sad detail about the end of the story

2023-05-06 17:30:00

There’s consensus on the big arguments that made Red Dead Redemption 2 one of the best games of the past decade. For one thing, its open world is virtually unmatched, comparable only to the best of its kind. On the other hand, Arthur Morgan’s story is one of the best we’ve ever enjoyed. Rockstar’s level of detail is also worth noting. The obsession with making a timeless game has reached such a point that players who have spent hundreds of hours on the game are still discovering details.

Attention, the rest of the article contains spoilers. If you have never touched the game, we advise you to go your way.

A detail that many overlooked at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2

After reaching the end of the road with Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption 2 continues with an epilogue in which we once again control John Marston. This small sequel to the campaign connects the events of the prequel to those that would later unfold in the first major game in the series, though in reality the Red Dead franchise began some time ago with an all but forgotten title. However, to get back on topic, the final scene of this epilogue has a detail that makes this outlaw story even sadder.

Abigail and John agree to end the cowboy adventures. She said to him, “Get to work on your ranch and raise your son.” What many did not see when this conversation, is that they argued on the very ground where their own graves later lay. It is indeed on this hill that the outlaw who starred in the first Red Dead Redemption is buried after the tragic end of his story and where, a few years later, his wife will be buried. The detail was shared by a player who admitted to not realizing the situation until he finished the game for the seventh time.

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This point, so symbolic for the series, could also be the starting point for a possible Red Dead Redemption 3. As of now, there is no official confirmation that Rockstar is working on continuing the series. However, given that the latest game has sold over 40 million copies, it seems likely that the company will decide to do just that. In this sense, it is possible that they decide to explore the life of Jack Marston. John and Abigail’s son appears at the end of the first game, traveling to his parents’ grave and already transformed into a proper outlaw.

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