This phrase caused Mitsotakis to explode

It’s no accident that the government representative Pavlos Marinakis, in the regular briefing on Monday, categorically denied the reports, which he characterized as unacceptable and insulting to the institution of the Presidency. According to these reports, the government was “looking for a cheap president” and as they pointed out in Maximos, such reports now escape political criticism and become insults and obscenities.

All this in fact, 50 years since the restoration of the Republic. The glass had overflowed and after Marinaki’s statements, Kyriakos Mitsotakis deemed it appropriate to intervene after the end of the Summit and condemn the media and far-right parties that sell “ultra-patriotism”.

As we learn, nothing will be left unanswered by the government, especially mudslinging and flimsy constructions of well-known circles. This choice is considered imperative by Maximos and as we learn, the assessment is that it will also have political effects, as it will dispel fake news about the serious issues of foreign policy.

Read more politics and not only behind the scenes from the PARATYPOS column of the Sunday press on newsstands all over the country on October 20

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#phrase #caused #Mitsotakis #explode



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