This market was not in summer: in August, the largest number of housing units were sold in Vilnius since the beginning of the year | Business

This market was not in summer: in August, the largest number of housing units were sold in Vilnius since the beginning of the year | Business

Average 1 sq.m. of a sold apartment. the price of the metro is 3,730 euros. In August, the market also recorded 19 preliminary contract terminations.

During the same period last year, buyers purchased 200 apartments.

At the end of August, the average number of vacant apartments is 1 sq. the price of the subway was 3,389 euros.

In eight months of this year, developers sold 1,757 apartments in Vilnius, which is 22 percent. more than during the same period last year, when 1,435 apartments were sold.

In August, 157 newly built apartments in 4 projects were additionally offered in Vilnius. Currently, buyers can choose from 4,661 apartments in the capital’s prime location.

At the beginning of August, the largest offer is in the economic segment – 1,788 apartments, the prices of which are up to 3,000 EUR/sq.m. meter, and the lowest supply is in the prestigious segment (1,115 apartments), the price of which exceeds 3,700 EUR/sq. m. 1,758 apartments are offered to middle segment housing buyers, their prices on the market range from 3,000 EUR/sq. meter up to 3,700 EUR/sq. subway

In August, Hanner sold 20 apartments in the LiveUp, Verkių sodas, Hill City, City Yard, Karoliniškių Namai and Šnipiškiu Solo projects. The average number of sold apartments is 1 sq.m. the price of the subway is 3,490 euros

#market #summer #August #largest #number #housing #units #sold #Vilnius #beginning #year #Business
2024-09-04 18:06:25

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