this is why you need to eat these greens for breakfast

Next time, be sure to buy an extra bunch of these healthy greens.

Clean roasts

Next time you will definitely buy a bunch of these greens. Below we will talk regarding such an affordable herb as cilantro, or coriander.

Cilantro has numerous health benefits and is ideal for a healthy diet. Due to its unique composition, spicy greens have a beneficial effect on the human body, participate in metabolic processes, tissue regeneration, cleanse the liver and blood.

You need to eat this green

According to ancient Chinese medicine, cilantro seeds were once part of a love potion and were regarded only as an aphrodisiac. So, you can consider this effect as a pleasant “side” effect.

Here’s why you need to eat cilantro:

  • Liver cleansing. If this organ is overloaded, then the toxins are not broken down and fall back into the bloodstream, poisoning the body. Cilantro helps the liver improve its condition and activates the processes in it.

  • Helps the digestive tract thanks to its essential oils.

  • Purifies the blood, including heavy metals.

  • Relieves pain in rheumatic diseases.

  • Brings cholesterol back to normal, normalizes the absorption of fatty acids by liver cells.

For breakfast every day

The use of cilantro for breakfast ensures the saturation of the whole body with vital energy for the whole day, increases efficiency and productivity.

But, cilantro is undesirable for people who have had a stroke and heart attack. An overdose of greens can cause problems with sleep and memory. The daily norm is 35 g of greens or 4 g of seeds.



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