This is why the Northwest really exists and is fundamental for the future of Italy

This is why the Northwest really exists and is fundamental for the future of Italy

Does the Northwest really exist? Or is it just – so to speak – a geographical-statistical entity? Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta can manage to overcome their respective borders beyond the declarations of intent that karstically re-emerge, to present themselves united as a formidable development locomotive for all of Italy, like Germany (era) of ‘Europe, or will everything be exhausted above all in great potential and significant numbers united but only in the tables of economists and Istat? There is no doubt regarding the figures, but the challenge lies in the systematization of the potential. And it is on this challenge that the volume “Progetto NordOvest – Milan, Turin, Genoa and the future of Italian industry” (Luiss University Press) written by Francesco Antonioli with the preface by Giorgio Barba Navaretti and presented at the Turin Book Fair reflects. in recent days. The theme of the development model and the prospects of the macro area is more relevant than ever and will also be at the center of one of the meetings scheduled at the next Trento Economics Festival at the LUISS Trento Cafè – Northeast and Northwest: two industrial ideas compared . With Antonioli himself, Paola Pilati, Valentina Meliciani, Alfonso Ruffo (on 23 May from 5.30 pm at the Cloister of the Augustinians – Internal courtyard).

The myth of the industrial triangle of the Northwest, Genoa-Milan-Turin dates back at least to the years of the economic boom, but it never went much beyond the citations in school books and statistics, in fact. Perhaps fate was also marked by the unfortunate acronym: GeMiTo. «For some, the former industrial triangle is dead and buried following the glories of the economic boom. For others it is useless to compare the giant of the “Ambrosian city-state” and the other rich provinces with the little children of a lesser God” writes Antonioli. But, this is the thesis, it is not a given that history must always repeat itself or perpetuate itself, and it is not a given that pessimists must prevail. If a good morning starts in the morning, a difference compared to the past can be found in the approach of the industrial players in the area. «There is something new in the field on the metropolitan axes of Milan, Turin and Genoa, which might favor the change of pace – writes Francesco Antonioli -. This is MiToGeno, the relaunch project of the area shared by the Turin Industrial Union, Confindustria Genoa and Assolombarda Milan (which also brings together the companies of Monza and Brianza, Lodi and Pavia)”.

Because it is important? the author asks. Meanwhile, because there are the numbers that come back: the so-called “triangle” is still worth around 20% of the national GDP and 60% of all the wealth produced in the area, with 730 thousand active businesses that employ 3.5 million people. And then the macro-area represents approximately a quarter of the national population, and, furthermore, well over half of all auto components companies (1,311 companies out of 2,167 in components and mobility services). But if for some the numbers may be cold, this time the key lies in the approach: «MiToGeno started using a different and appropriate register», with the «desire to overcome the short-sighted and conflicting logic of the “duty belt” ”». During the economic boom «the alliance of the then industrial triangle was called “GeMiTo”. Nomen omen, almost an omen: the soft moan” recalls Antonioli. «Now, instead: “MiToGeno”, just like the adjective. Mitogen: that is, someone who is capable, Devoto-Oli reminds us, of determining or stimulating mitosis, i.e. a process of cell reproduction; in short, a growth factor. Definitely better, just from this point of view.”

Through examples, case histories, large projects (high speed, Third Pass, rear ports), virtuous synergies already in place, Francesco Antonioli, also with the help of authoritative voices from the territories, reasons on the great potential – such as for example the gigantic theme of ‘Artificial intelligence – but also on the risks of not finding ourselves in an eternal “Groundhog Day” scenario where everything always repeats itself the same with no way out except thanks to a miracle.

Antonioli called various personalities to think regarding whether and why the North-West is important for the rest of the country: ranging from Roberto Repole (archbishop of Turin and bishop of Susa) to Gian-Maria Gros Pietro (president of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo) , from Giorgio Metta (scientific director of the Italian Institute of Technology) to Donatella Sciuto (rector of the Polytechnic of Milan) just to name a few.

#Northwest #exists #fundamental #future #Italy
2024-05-13 06:44:12

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