This is what your tongue reveals about your health

We don’t examine our tongues quite as often – but maybe we should do just that more often. Because it can reveal a lot about our health. If there are any changes, you should react promptly.

A healthy tongue is pale pink, smooth, and has small pimples. Stains or deposits should be less visible on it. Some coating is normal, at least after eating—but what does that mean when the tongue changes shape or suddenly turns a different color? Then something could be wrong with your body.

This is what your tongue reveals

White or crumbly coating

It can be a fungal infection, but gastrointestinal disorders are not excluded. This is often referred to as “oral thrush” – it is an infection in the mouth and throat. This often occurs in people who have a weak immune system or suffer from diabetes.

Strawberry Tongue

A tongue that is bright red and looks like a strawberry can indicate a deficiency – especially vitamin B12 or iron. If there is a deficiency, there are fewer pimples on the tongue and it is significantly smoother – but this is then also more susceptible to hot drinks, among other things.

Permanently dry?

If your tongue is dry all the time, it could be due to thyroid disease. Incidentally, the nicotine in cigarettes also causes dry mouth and you should make sure that you always drink enough. You may have an underactive thyroid if your tongue very swollen is.

Permanent red wounds

If you have small wounds that heal after a few days, they could be mouth ulcers. These aren’t too bad, but they’re very painful. These are mainly caused by viruses, but are not contagious. There are remedies for this in the pharmacy.

Your tongue turns a different color

If your tongue is slightly purple, poor circulation may be behind it. If it’s very pale, it means you’re sleep deprived, if it’s yellow-brown it could be liver disease, and if your tongue is slightly greyish, you could be iron-deficient. In the case of intestinal problems, however, it could turn a little brown.

Tongue is hairy or black

According to doctors, a black fuzz on the tongue is not a concern – but you should do something about it. Because behind it is usually very poor oral hygiene – even if your tongue is slightly hairy. However, this is not real hair, it only looks like it – it is actually secretions that have accumulated on the surface. Bad breath or minor changes in taste are the result. Already read? This is what your lips reveal about your health

EDITOR’S NOTE | The article does not replace a medical consultation! The content of KUKKSI must not be used to make independent diagnoses – only a trained doctor can do that.

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