This is what the toxicological examination of Bishop Salvador Rangel says

CUERNAVACA.- After the alleged express kidnapping of the bishop emeritus of Chilpancingo Guerrero, Salvador Rangel Mendozathe first toxicological tests that were performed on him at the hospital showed the presence of illicit substances in his system.

According to the document to which The universal reported having access, The religious man had traces of cocaine and benzodiazepines in his body at the time of being examined by medical staff at the “José G. Parres” general hospital in Cuernavaca.

The religious leader had been reported missing last Saturday, April 27, and was found alive the following Monday in the emergency room of the aforementioned hospital after being transferred there by an ambulance from the Red Cross.

The bishop was reported missing since Saturday, April 27, and the last time he was seen was that night in a pizzeria in the municipality of Emiliano Zapata, metropolitan area of ​​Cuernavaca.

Bishop Salvador Rangel is found in Cuernavaca hospital

On Saturday night, the bishop emeritus was seen in a pizzeria in the municipality of Emiliano Zapata, metropolitan area of ​​Cuernavaca, after which he was reported missing.

According to the official log of his admission to the clinic, this occurred at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday the 28th.

The first reports indicate he was found “in a public establishment, with neurological deterioration due to stupor, without belongings and with a blister of 2 sildenafil pills.”

What emerged, according to police sources, is that the paramedics of the MOR57 ambulance from The Red Cross responded to a call for help from the Hotel Real Ocotepec to help the bishop and take him to the hospital.

The aforementioned hotel is located on Miguel Hidalgo Avenue in the indigenous community of Ocotepec.

He arrived at the hospital “drowsy and with signs of deterioration of his neurological status at the expense of drowsiness,” reports The universal.

The state of health in which he was upon admission to the hospital is described as: pupils that responded to light stimuli, oral mucosa was poorly hydrated, pale skin and normal lymph node size.

The bishop had no warning signs in his neck and chest; He showed adequate respiratory dynamics and no rales or wheezing were heard, nor were there any pleuropulmonary complications.

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His heart sounds were of good tone, intensity and frequency without additions, while his abdomen was generally globose and his skin responded to touch, without pain.

His neurological status was deteriorating, so possible advanced airway management was considered, but it was not necessary.

Fluid resuscitation was performed and a dose of flumazenil, used to reverse the effects of a sedative benzodiazepine, was applied, but no favorable results were obtained.

They subsequently administered a bolus of naloxone with an effective response and then requested a toxicological profile, which would have shown the presence of cocaine and benzodiazepine in his system.

Monday night Health Secretary announced that the voluntary discharge of Monsignor Salvador Rangel Mendoza occurred around 10:00 p.m. He is currently being treated in a private hospital.

Regarding the presence of illicit substances in his body, the bishop’s lawyer, Pedro Martínez Bello, He claimed that they were supplied to him by his captors.

They investigate kidnapping of the bishop

The secretary of government acting as governor, Samuel Sotelo Salgadoquestioned the express kidnapping of the bishop but confirmed that his last whereabouts before his disappearance was the pizzeria, where he met with a worker.

“The objective data we have is that there were two withdrawals, from two ATMs, one on Saturday morning and the other in the evening, but there is no witness or (video surveillance) camera that has seen that they have deprived him of freedom as such, except for what the prosecution has obtained today.”

For his part, the prosecutor Uriel Carmona declared on Monday night that the prelate was drugged and victim of express kidnapping, with the aim of depriving him of money through ATMs.

The facts are still being investigated.

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2024-05-10 18:12:49

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