The delivery man who appeared in the video assaulting the vehicle of a family in Polanco He shared his version of events. His narration was released by the Twitter account #NiUnRedistribudorMenos.
In the video lasting two minutes and 17 seconds, Oscar explains how the aggression began and what triggered that reaction. In the image, the man appears sitting in front, although he preferred not to show his face.
The truth is that I am very scared, the truth is that I am afraid. Today… I work for the Uber Eats platform, it’s May 10, I wanted to generate a little to take something home, for my mom and unfortunately on the road, right now I’m finding out through social networks, of all the newspapers and everything, this had never happened to me something like this so shocking, “says the 28-year-old man.
In social networks the facts had only been made known from the perspective of the family that was traveling in the attacked vehicle, however in the video it is heard that Oscar explains that seconds before he began to hit the vehicle, its driver he had hit the exhaust of his motorcycle while running the stop sign.
I was coming from an avenue, I had a green traffic light, I have a green traffic light and I am passing, because obviously I have a green traffic light. The joke is that a Versa car is coming on the opposite side and it goes over the stop and even following it goes over the stop, it hits me in the exhaust of my motorcycle, right? At the moment he hits me I stop, so that he pays me for the hit on my motorcycle, to which he speeds up the car and even his defense was broken because my motorcycle was running over me and what I did was block the way ”, recalls the delivery man.
In the video that went viral on May 10, it is observed that the delivery man signals to a patrol that passes through the area, seconds before he begins to hit the side mirror of a family’s vehicle. In this regard, Oscar comments:
A patrol was coming with the siren open and I even thought that he was coming here to fix the problem that was obvious, I even made a sign for him to stop, so that he might help me because the truth is that the car was getting on top of me… I guess that he must do cameras, because it is an extremely crowded area.”
It doesn’t seem to me that they are labeling me a ‘bumper’, an extortionist, a criminal, or anything else they are labeling me there because the truth is that I have my trips there in the Uber application, there are my trips… the ones I did on the 10th May,” says the man.
At noon this Thursday, the Oscar’s arrest, the delivery man involved in the incident with a car where a family was traveling in Polanco, Miguel Hidalgo mayor’s office. According to the reports, at the time of the arrest, 10 bags with alleged marijuana were seized, for which he was placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry.
Here is the version of #Delivery man that the person who recorded our colleague does not count, 5 patrols went to his house to arrest him, 5 patrols when sometimes not a single one can arrive to attend to the citizens, it is clear that they are from #Polanco.
— #NiUnDeliveryLess (@delivererr) May 12, 2022
Tonight, application delivery men carry out a demonstration in Parque Lira to demand the release of the 28-year-old man, following his version of what happened on May 10 was released.
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