This is the number of passengers that the AIFA received in its first quarter of operation – El Financiero

Enter your openingon March 21, and the end of June, the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) received a 116 thousand 176 passengersa figure equivalent to those who arrive and take off in one day from Mexico City International Airport (AICM).

According to data from the Federal Civil Aviation Agency, the airport located in Santa Lucía received 32 thousand 350 passengers in Junethe amount more low in its three months of full operation. In April He received 34 thousand 181 travelersMeanwhile in May 35 thousand 129 tourists boarded a flight to and from AIFA.

In sum, during the 3 months and 11 days that has been operating the airport have registered 1,194 flightsof which, 598 have been departures and the rest, 596 arrivals from destinations like cancun, Beautiful villa, Tijuanaamong others.

The route Cancún-AIFA It is the one that has transported the most passengers so far in the operation of the new air port, with 15,958 passengers, while the flight from the AIFA to Cancun registers 15,372 passengers.

The flight Saint Lucia to TIjuanaoperated by Volaris, has 15 thousand 335 passengers so farbeing the third most demanded.

Flights to and from Beautiful villa are still the ones with the fewest passengers, with 3 thousand 45 passengers in 132 flightswhich gives an average occupancy of 23 passengers per operation.

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