This is the movement that Infanta Sofía has just made to support Princess Leonor

This is the movement that Infanta Sofía has just made to support Princess Leonor

The Royal Family’s Star Turn: Princess of Asturias Awards 2024!

Next Thursday, October 24, Spanish royalty will don their ceremonial robes and dust off the crown jewels for the Princess of Asturias Awards. You know it’s a big deal when the family dusts off their scepters—who said they weren’t bejeweled TV remote controls?

To kick off the festivities, Princess Leonor is all set to be appointed Honorary Mayor of Oviedo—because nothing screams “political gravitas” like a tiara, right? I can just imagine the expectant council members: “Will she take out the rubbish, or is that beyond her royal duties?” And if anyone can pull off a ceremonial mayor badge while being heir to the throne, it’s certainly her.

But wait, there’s more! In a rather heartwarming display of sisterly support, Infanta Sofía has decided it’s time to drop everything—yes, even her Netflix binge—and make a bold statement by returning early from school just to back up her sister. Talk about the real-life ‘Mean Girls’ moment: “You can’t sit with us unless you’re King Felipe’s daughter!”

Royal Family Shenanigans

According to ¡Hola! magazine (you know, the one that keeps us in touch with the latest royal gossip!), Sofía’s plan to attend the ceremony in Oviedo is a classic example of royal dedication—skipping the rulebook on school holidays for the family that features *actual* crowns and capes.

Although her high school calendar states that autumn holidays start on Friday, October 25, our little rebel didn’t let that detail stand in her way. I mean, why stick to the rules when you’ve got royal standards to uphold?

Full Royal Agenda

So, what more do the royals have planned within the framework of the Princess of Asturias Awards? Here’s a rundown that sounds like an episode of a very posh reality show:

  • XXXII Princess of Asturias Awards Concert
  • General hearings (no, not what you do with your kids’ school performance)
  • Princess of Asturias Awards Audience
  • 2024 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony
  • Visit to Sotres (Cabrales) for the 2024 Exemplary Town of Asturias Award. Who knew towns could be exemplary? Maybe they sanitize their streets!

Each event will likely feature stirring speeches from King Felipe VI and Princess Leonor, with Infanta Sofía stealing the show from the audience—because who doesn’t love a good plot twist? Watching her gain prominence will be like watching a sunrise over the Spanish mountains: slowly rising yet undeniably magnificent!

A Final Royal Salute

The Princess of Asturias Awards 2024 promises a tantalizing glimpse into what makes this family tick—be it tiaras, traditions, or good ol’ family dynamics. So, keep your eyes peeled, and remember: not every royal event needs to end with a fairy tale for it to be exciting. Sometimes, just a glimpse of a princess feeling awkward under the spotlight is all we need for a laugh!

Whether it ends in royal glitz or glorious chaos, rest assured: we’ll be watching. Will there be tearful speeches? Will the media get a hold of an embarrassing childhood photo? Only time will tell, ladies and gents! So grab your popcorn; it’s going to be a royal affair!

Next Thursday, October 24, the day of the Princess of Asturias Awards will officially begin for the Spanish Royal Family, who, as the first act, will go to the Oviedo City Hall to witness the appointment that Princess Leonor will receive as Honorary Mayor of Oviedo. Later they will attend the presentation of the Asturias Medal to the heir, according to the official program of the event.

In what other events will the Royal Family be present within the framework of the Princess of Asturias Awards 2024?

Both Infanta Sofía and the rest of the current representatives of the Royal Family: Their Majesties Queen Letizia, King Felipe VI; Her Highness the Princess of Asturias and Queen Sofia of Greece will be present at the following events, according to the program released by the Zarzuela Palace:

  • XXXII Princess of Asturias Awards Concert
  • General hearings
  • Princess of Asturias Awards Audience
  • 2024 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony
  • Visit to Sotres (Cabrales), for the delivery of the 2024 Exemplary Town of Asturias Award

The Princess of Asturias Awards 2024 will be held on October 25

In most of these events, the intervention of King Felipe VI and Princess Leonor is contemplated through speeches, which will be supported from the stands by Infanta Sofía, who always proves herself to be a central piece for the Crown and who little by little she is gaining more prominence in this type of events, demonstrating how the king seeks to open a public place for his youngest daughter, even though she is not the one who will occupy the throne in the future.



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