This is the five-cent coin that is worth up to $1,050

Manufacturing errors on U.S. coins can transform an ordinary piece into a treasure for collectors. These errors, such as the double strike evident on the 1980 nickel, significantly increase its value on the numismatic market.

The rarity and uniqueness of these errors, which can range from subtle to very visible, make these coins highly sought after and their price increases over time.

The numismatic market shows particular interest in coins from the 1980s. Pieces such as the 1982 cent with a small date are the stars of the auctions and the most sought after by collectors.

Other nickels, such as the 2005 Ocean in View issue, which commemorates a historic U.S. event, have also gained much greater value among antique collectors due to their rarity and significance.

Photo: Numismatics Bilbao

How much is a 1980 nickel worth?

On the numismatic market, a 1980 Jefferson nickel with the distinction of having been struck twice during its minting can fetch prices ranging from $20 to $1,050, according to quotes on platforms such as eBay.

Nickels minted in the United States in the early 1980s, which were subject to manufacturing errors, have seen a considerable increase in their commercial value, becoming sought-after objects for collectors.

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How to recognize a piece worth up to $1,050?

1980 nickels with the double-strike error are highly prized by collectors. If the second impression is barely perceptible, the value of the coin can be as high as $20.

However, if the second image is off-center and clearly visible, its price can rise to $1,050 on the numismatic market.

With information from Gestión Mix

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#fivecent #coin #worth
2024-08-19 22:53:34



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