This is the bitter truth behind her life as a tradwife – Grupo Milenio

Hannah Neeleman, better known as Ballerina Farm, is a woman who has millions of followers on social media for her lifestyle, which seems to be taken from a conventional magazine, however, there might be something beyond what it seems.

The TikToker gave an interview where she talked about how she became Mrs. Neeleman, although What was revealed did not turn out as expected and now the entire internet has ‘exploded’ in response to the woman’s statements.

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Given the popularity that the influencer Roro Bueno gained with the ‘tradwifes’, that of Ballerina Farm resurfaced, a young mother who became famous some time ago for winning a beauty pageant where they recognize the contestants’ abilities.

However, no one knew how he ended up in that lifestyle, but after an exclusive interview he gave with Megan Agnew for ‘The Times’ was published, it is clear that Users were shocked by the bitter truth behind this TikToker’s life.

And it is that according to his statements, apparently Her life is nothing like she plannedHannah studied at the Juilliard School, an extremely prestigious school that was difficult to get into.

How did Daniel and Hannah meet?

A basketball game was the link for Hannah and Daniel to meet each other, although She turned him down, he insisted for 6 months to get an appointment with her and even researched the former dancer and booked a seat on the same flight as her.

Although this takes a different angle when it was revealed that the seat was next to her, this with the aim of chatting all the way and convince her to go out; 2 months later the young woman was at the altar.

However, in that course it is that Daniel asked Hannah to drop out of school Although she expressed her desire to finish her project, he simply mentioned that it would get in the way of their relationship.

Hannah She left her city life to go to a farm and raise her 8 children.(she became pregnant soon after getting married), but she does not consider herself a submissive woman, since in her interview she pointed out that she does not identify as a ‘tradwife’.

“We are traditional in the sense that we are a man and a woman, we have children, but I feel like we are paving a lot of roads that have not been paved before. So, having the label of a traditional woman, I think I don’t know if I identify with that“.

Hannah can’t get help at home

Another aspect that frightened the audience is that the interviewer pointed out that Hannah needed help from her husband to answer some questions as she constantly looked at himcoupled with the fact that he always interrupted the conversation.

Daniel admitted that he doesn’t like his wife receiving help for household chores and even revealed that sometimes she ends up so tired that she can’t get out of bed for a whole week.

Hannah also said that During childbirth she was prohibited from receiving anesthesiabut the only time she had it was when her husband was out of the room and she described the experience as “great.”

The name of Ballerina Farm is due to the truncated dream that was left behind to dedicate herself to her family, as Daniel, the son of a multimillionaire businessman, asked her to do. The young multimillionaire’s marriage has been described as a persecution that would have forced Hannah to leave her life behind.

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