this is the best day to shop and save big! – Tuxboard

Shopping in a supermarket is not always pleasant. But now is the best time to shop in peace!

In this time of inflation, shopping in a supermarket is no picnic. But now is the best time to shop in peace!

When inflation disrupts food consumption

Inflation continues to explode in 2023. The French risk finding themselves in the red in the coming days, given the rising food prices. Dominique Schelcher, the boss of the System U stores, shared his concerns with France Inter.

« My forecast for the coming months is an additional 10%. Despite our best efforts. As much as things were very justified throughout last year, with the consequences of the war in Ukraine… As much this year, there is a search for a windfall effect on the part of a certain number of actors “.

So to be able to pay their bills and all external taxes, households must change their habits. According to the NielsenIQ Institute survey, more than one in two French people say they buy less clothes (51%), because it is no longer what they prefer.

Others admit that they limit the use of their car (55%), because the fuel is way too expensive… Et « 25% are therefore cutting back on their food expenditure at the supermarket, i.e. 7 points more”.

But that’s not all ! The magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs also adds that 45% of French people are much more weakened by the rise in prices. And it’s not likely to stop anytime soon. Because the Supermarket specialists are even more pessimistic.

This is the case of Michel-Edouard Leclerc, president of the strategic committee of the eponymous centers. He spoke regarding his fears on the set of BFMTV. ” It’s not March that’s going to be red, it’s the second quarter“. He plans 12 to 14% increase in the coming months.

Here is the best day to do your shopping

So faced with the increase in prices which continues to upset the daily life of the French, all means are good to save money.

Our colleagues from Planet have decided to look for solutions to do your shopping at the best time… The goal being to save money. But also to avoid meet people in your supermarket !

So many little tricks that promise to make a difference on your receipt.

For example, if you want to avoid meet people in a supermarket. But also children in all departments, it is better to avoid the weekend! Eh yes ! Saturday is the busiest day at the supermarket. The noise can very quickly become intolerable.

And the fact of not being able to circulate as you please can annoy you. Better to choose a day like Monday to avoid waiting hours at the checkout! And if you’re used to drive, avoid Friday, the busiest day for customers.

But if your goal is to take advantage of promos, then go to your supermarket every Wednesday. This is perfect for customers who have the E.Leclerc card. The reason ? Know that they are entitled to 20% reduction in tickets on a selection of products.

Rather not bad! Every little is is not negligible to pay less.

So do not hesitate to redo your calendar to have your day off on Wednesday… Finally, let’s end with the fact that there is nothing more unpleasant than empty shelves.

And to avoid shortages, it is better to do your shopping on Monday or Tuesday. These are restocking days.



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