“This is not a refounding congress, but it is a restart congress” of the PP

Gamarra and González Pons value the first meeting of the Organizing Committee of the Congress

© Europa Press
Gamarra and González Pons value the first meeting of the Organizing Committee of the Congress

To the MEP Esteban Gonzalez Ponspresident of the organizing committee of the extraordinary and urgent congress of the PP on April 2 and 3 in Seville, was asked “rare to come back after so many years” to the Genoa 13 press room. Even more so if less than a week ago I was in the border between Belarus and Poland, when he received a call from the Sanhedrin of barons meeting in an emergency a few floors above where he told it. A senior staff that saw in him a kind of Mr. Wolf, that character from Tarantino that solved problems. González COC [Comité Organizador del Congreso]as he himself has been baptized, was clear about the headline for his debut in this temporary position: “This is not a refoundation of the party, but it is a reset.” A message that has influenced.

“There has been an organizing committee meeting a few moments ago and we are already underway“, the Valencian cut the tape, which highlighted the “rigorous neutrality” that he will procure for the committee he chairs. González Pons appeared together with Cuca Gamarra, new general coordinator of the PP until the extraordinary congress. Both were ratified this morning in their new temporary positions by a national executive committee that was a formality.

Gamarra outlined that his work, strictly limited to March, will be that of “guarantee that the PP continues to function”, which he will do “maintaining the day-to-day running of this party until April 2 another leadership takes over the Popular Party” and “full activity from the organic point of view.” The Logroño, in addition, announced that it will be her and not Paul Marriedwhom he considered already dismissed from Congress, who will defend the PP’s position tomorrow in the Lower House on the conflict in Ukraine. “Spain has to rise to the occasion with Ukraine and should not hide behind the European Union because it has problems with the government”he declared, arguing that it is Pedro Sánchez’s government partners who “they limit the possibilities of action”.

“Beyond the M-30”

González Pons has recalled that it is a congress that the party will celebrate “not of its own volition, but pushed by extraordinary circumstances.” Reason for which the holding of presentations or a strategic debate at the internal level of the party, as claimed Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, both in public and inside the National Board of Directors, “it will have to be in a later congress.” “There is no place for debates on ideology”, he has finished.

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The ‘popular’ MEP has also defended the members of the organizing committee, distributed equally among all the territories and “almost all of them without experience in Madrid”. González Pons assures that it is a recognition of the PP outside the capital, of the peripheral representatives of a party “that is beyond the M-30 and is in charge of defending the acronym” and its “principles and values”. The Valencian politician also makes a distinction between political and more organizational positions for the congress. “They are not those of Mariano Rajoyare the experts in organizing neutral congresses in the Popular Party”, he highlighted about the recovery of certain figures.

The Madrid president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, also had its space in Genoa 13 this afternoon. The party’s position of closing ranks around her seems clear, of defending its “honorability” after the cloud of doubts that Married and Teodoro Garcia EgeaSecretary General resigned, lifted. “The leadership of the Popular Party absolutely trusts the honorability of Isabel Díaz Ayuso”González Pons sentenced, almost spelling every word, and assuring that the file that was opened on her “is already closed.”

The president of the COC announced that on April 3, also in the Andalusian capital, the first management committee of the new summit will be held. With the game already restarted, what happens “when the mobile phone or the computer produces failures”.

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