This is how you can spot bad eating habits

Bad eating habits can express themselves in different ways: Maybe you’ve gotten into the habit of going to the fridge when you’re bored, even though you’re not hungry. You then eat out of habit and not because you are really hungry. Here are 4 more traits that should make you reconsider your eating habits.

Bad eating habits: These 4 things show you that you should change something

How do bad eating habits develop?

Our brain does es unfortunately very simple: if certain activities take place once more and once more according to a certain pattern or in a certain order, the brain links them together and make it a habit. One no longer works without the other. For example, if you make it a habit to open a bag of chips every time you watch a series, as soon as you turn on the TV or laptop, your appetite will kick in.

Of course, it’s perfectly okay to indulge in chips once in a while. It becomes problematic when you finish the series no longer enjoy without chips can. Then the snacking developed into a bad eating habit.

4 characteristics that indicate bad eating habits

Especially when it comes to food, there are a number of unfavorable connections in the brain. We may not even notice these. So you can find here 4 clues that point to bad eating habits.

1. You eat in front of the TV

To stay with the example: Most people sit down in front of the TV or scroll their phones to eat. Unfortunately, I’m no exception. For me, there is hardly anything cozier than making myself comfortable on the couch with my evening meal and letting myself be sprinkled while eating. Included is It has long been known that if you allow yourself to be distracted while eating, you will not notice when you are full and you will eat more calories than necessary.

I only realized how closely the two activities are linked when I consciously sat down at the table with my back to the TV to eat. Unusual – but somehow good. In fact, you become much more aware of the taste, smell and appearance of the food and appreciate the meal even more.

We all do it: eat in front of the TV. Photo: Getty Images / VioletaStoimenova

2. You only need 10 minutes to eat

Chew? Sure, I chew! And yet the plate is empty in less than 10 minutes. Why is that? We often gobble down our food without even realizing it. Distraction also plays a major role here. You concentrate on what’s currently happening on the screen and just smack it in at the same time.

But sometimes you have one hungry as a bear and thinks he has to eat the food at an equally animal speed. We just swallow a lot of air with it, which later in the form of belches and gas draws attention to the fact that one might have allowed a little more time for the meal.

Continue reading: You should definitely not do this immediately following eating.

3. Your plate is always eaten empty

Were you also taught to clean your plate politely so that the weather will be nice tomorrow? Unfortunately, this is used to teach children who eat intuitively to listen to their hunger. Instead, eating becomes a chore to be accomplished—following all, we want to make our parents proud. As an adult, however, you have the problem that overeating has become a bad eating habit that is not so easy to get rid of.

Nice to know: Try to listen carefully to yourself while eating. Experts recommend taking a break when you feel regarding 80 percent full. After regarding 10 minutes you can then decide whether you are really full or would like to eat something else.

4. You are constantly on a diet

As surveys show, very few women are satisfied with their bodies. For your desired weight and your dream figure, you constantly pay attention to what and how much you eat. What a pity! Because that’s not the only way the desire to eat lost – it also damages the body in the long term.

Because as soon as the diet is over, the beats JoJo Effect mercilessly to. The reason for this: During the diet, the body gets used to drawing as much energy as possible from the little food it eats. At the same time, the metabolism runs on the back burner – there is not much that can be burned off.

If you then eat “normally” once more, the body tries to build up as many reserves as possible from the larger portions – the next diet will definitely come. The result: You’ll gain back all the pounds you’ve laboriously lost.

Better: A balanced, healthy diet that fills you up and provides your body with all the essential nutrients. If your metabolism is running normally and no longer in diet mode, you can treat yourself to a sweet every now and then without hesitation. The body is then able to compensate for something like this.

Conclusion: This is how you get rid of bad eating habits

The first step has already been taken. Because before you can rid yourself of your bad eating habits, you must first realize what habits are these?.

Mache small steps on your way to healthier eating habits. Changing everything overnight is definitely not the right way. And: Small relapses are completely normal and totally fine!

More regarding bad habits?



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