This is how you can recover a suspended WhatsApp account

Nowadays WhatsApp, is a basic tool in most people’s routine. The ease it gives us when communicating with anyone at any time, time and place has made it become one of the most important applications worldwide.

However, to use it it is important to accept its rules and not commit any infraction that violate their rules or policies within the app. In case you have one Whatsapp account suspended, here we tell you how to get it back.

Why is a number suspended on WhatsApp?

Some of the best-known functions are instant messaging, video calls, voice notes or sending multimedia content.

But to use it we must abide by its rules, which we accept when creating an account. According to the WhatsApp Help Center, there are certain practices that restrict us the use of the application, the two most common are:

Download a unofficial WhatsApp application, collect user information (considered as Data extraction) o spam.

If you broke any of the rules you will receive a message stating that Your account is “temporarily suspended.”

YouTube video

How to recover a suspended account on WhatsApp?

To check if your account has been suspended, just open the application on your cell phone and look for the legend “This account does not have permission to use WhatsApp” on the screen.

At that time you can request reactivation. Although it is a “temporal punishment”, can wear a couple hours or days to re-enable it. Despite this, try to perform this procedure to recover it:

  • Bridge in contact with WhatsApp through the page
  • Fill out the form with your number, email and the help message.
  • Finally, you will have to wait for a resolution from the support team, which may take a few days.

How to prevent your WhatsApp account from being suspended?

For avoid suspension of a number, WhatsApp rrecommends using your application responsibly with the following measures:

  • Communicate only with known contacts.
  • Ask users for permission before adding them to a group.
  • Avoid sending mass messages.
  • Don’t abuse broadcast lists.
  • Do not share offensive or hateful material.

Read here: Emergency contact on Alexa; so you can add or remove it from your Echo Dot

#recover #suspended #WhatsApp #account
2024-04-05 10:36:35

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