“This is how we stop the attacks” –

Edoardo Sirignano

Minister Guido Crosetto‘s plan to defend himself from spies and web pirates. Government representative Meloni, in a letter sent to the organizers of the “Nis2&Sistema Italia” conference, organized by Senator Costanzo Della Porta with the support of Pilat&Partners and held in the Sala Zuccari of the Senate, underlines how the ability to operate successfully in cyberspace is a strategic priority for our national security: «New technologies offer us immense opportunities, but at the same time they expose us to unknown threats, which we must be ready to identify, control and counter». Palazzo Chigi‘s commitment is to guarantee the protection of those critical infrastructures, as well as national resilience in the face of growing cyber threats.

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Even if there are no explicit references, it is clear that the executive representative was referring not only to the increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks of terrorists and criminals 2.0, but also to the recent Bari investigation into current accounts and the previous dossier case, born following illicit access by public officials. From this perspective, the Ministry of Defence, together with the IT security sector, explains how, today more than ever, it is appropriate “to establish a cyber space of national interest, capable of guaranteeing digital sovereignty and the protection of our strategic assets”. In this sense, therefore, he announces the government’s desire to «establish a Cyber ​​Army, composed of civilian and military personnel, operational since peacetime and ready to intervene across the entire spectrum of threats». As regards a sector considered strategic, Palazzo Chigi intends to «implement functional protections for the staff involved, who will be equipped with the tools and resources necessary to face these new challenges».

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Italy, for Crosetto, has all the potential to be at the forefront, if it continues to invest not only in technologies, but above all in awareness on the topic: «IT security must become a shared culture that involves not only institutions and companies, but every single citizen. In a hyperconnected world, every device, every system, can cause vulnerability. Promoting a culture of security means preparing for attacks and knowing how to respond promptly and effectively.” In this sense, synergistic work between public and private sectors is fundamental, as is the involvement of new generations. «Their role is crucial – explains Riccardo Pilat, promoter of the conference, held yesterday in the Senate – in shaping the future of cybersecurity». Fratelli d’Italia senator Costanzo Della Porta highlights the importance of training in protecting national infrastructure. In this sense, NIS2, the recent European directive which provides for two National Authorities for managing IT crises, can be considered a step forward, but certainly not the point of arrival.

#stop #attacks #Tempo



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