This is how to eat healthy when you don’t have time to cook – 2024-07-30 03:10:56

Whatever the reason, everyday life often doesn’t leave us time (or energy!) to cook healthy.

You start with the best of intentions: You jot down healthy recipes, buy fresh produce at the grocery store, and get out the pressure cooker. But then something happens. An urgent job, an important phone call, or something the kids will need, robs you of the time needed to cook healthy.

So we order something out, which leaves us with bloating and… regrets.

You are right to be concerned. “A diet high in saturated fat, sodium and sugar can lead to obesity, elevated blood cholesterol levels and hypertension. All of these are risk factors for heart disease,” says Dr. Isatu Isuk, a dietitian at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

But there are ways you can eat healthier without spending a lot of time planning meals or shopping. You can also eat healthier on the go.

How to eat healthy when you don’t have time

Healthy restaurant options

Many restaurants now offer lighter fare on their menus, often with calorie counts. Take a quick look at restaurant menus online to see which ones offer the best options before you head out. Then consider these tips when ordering:

– Eat a small salad, or broth-based soup first. It’s a nutritious and filling start to your meal, which will help you consume fewer calories overall.

– Choose vegetable-based foods, or dishes with grilled fish, or chicken without the skin.

– Look for meals that are not greasy. For example, instead of ordering chicken enchiladas with cheese, get grilled chicken. Choose foods without sauces.

– Ask to substitute vegetables or salad in place of fattening side dishes such as potatoes or rice.

– Portions served in restaurants can be very large. -See if smaller portions are available. Restaurants often offer “half” salads or sandwiches upon request. If not, ask them to take away the food you will leave on the table.

– If you crave dessert, choose fresh fruit, or sorbet.

Better fast/junk food options

Eating out doesn’t mean you have to eat a greasy cheeseburger and fries. These days, there are a variety of healthier options. Many fast food restaurants also have calorie counts on their menus, even online.

Smart options for a quick and easy meal are places where you have more control over what goes into your order. At a sandwich shop, it’s easy to make healthy adjustments, such as no mayonnaise, with extra veggies and whole-wheat bread. Restaurants that have a salad bar, vegetarian options, or grilled meat and vegetable dishes are also good choices.

But if you’re going through a classic drive-thru, keep these tips in mind:

-Avoid fried foods (eg french fries, onion rings, breaded fried chicken and chicken nuggets).
-A skinless grilled chicken breast sandwich is lower in saturated fat than a burger.
-Order smaller sizes. Don’t take the big portions because you think your money is getting more value.
-Skip high-calorie side dishes and garnishes.
-Don’t drink soft drinks. Choose water.


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