This is how the visit of the Academic Peers to the Comprehensive Family Medicine Specialist developed!

These representatives of the National Accreditation Commission carried out an external evaluation in face-to-face mode for the purpose of renewing the accreditation of said specialization.

On December 1 and 2, our Comprehensive Family Medicine Specialization received a visit from the Commission of Academic Peers of the National Accreditation Council of the Ministry of National Education. This meeting was held with the objective of evaluating the renewal of the Accreditation of said postgraduate program, in accordance with the provisions of CESU Agreement No. 03 of 2016, which establishes the guidelines for the Accreditation of Medical Specialties in our country. .

During their visit, the academic peers received a presentation where they learned regarding some of the most important aspects that identify the Juan N. Corpas University Foundation as our Mission and Vision; as well as how these relate to the objectives of the program.

This space had the participation of our Rector, Dr. Ana María Piñeros Ricardo, the Maximum Council of the Corpas, the Representatives of the Teachers and Students of the Comprehensive Family Medicine Specialist, Dr. Luis Gabriel Piñeros Ricardo, Vice Rector Academician, Dr. Juan David Piñeros Ricardo, Administrative Vice Chancellor, Dr. Fernando Noguera Arrieta, Secretary General of Corpas, Dr. Luz Adriana Guerrero, Director of the Planning Department, Dr. Otto Hamann Echeverri, Dean of the School of Medicine, among other members of the board of directors and teachers of our beloved institution.

On the occasion of the celebration of its first 50 years of history and the obtaining of High Quality Institutional Accreditation, the Juan N. Corpas University Foundation wishes to thank the Academic Peers of the National Accreditation Council for their visit to our facilities and presenting our arguments to renew the Accreditation of our Specialization in Comprehensive Family Medicine.



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