This is how the new DGT traffic law affects motorcycles and scooters




The new Traffic Law, which comes into force on March 21, includes new features that affect all types of vehicles and pedestrians. Among the main changes that have been approved, a speed cut is included, by suppressing the margin of 20 kilometers per hour when overtaking on conventional roads; and an increased loss of points in certain situations.

But personal immobility vehicles, such as scooters and electric bicycles, are also affected by this regulation, so it is convenient to remember the rules by which their circulation is governed, and to know the main novelties.

Motorcycle or moped drivers, according to the new Law, can use certified or approved wireless devices in the protection helmet for communication or navigation purposes.

Now, not wearing the helmet or not wearing it properly will cause you to lose 4 points.

Regarding personal mobility vehicles,
recognizes that in recent years, the presence of this type of vehicle in Spanish cities is a reality that is changing, along with other factors, mobility in cities. According to various estimates, there are more than 1 million VMP circulating every day in cities.

In 2020, 8 users of personal mobility vehicles died, 97 were hospitalized injured and 1,097 were non-hospitalized injured. In addition, the circulation of these vehicles is prohibited on crossroads, interurban roads and motorways and dual carriageways and through urban tunnels.

The first thing that those who have these devices should know is that they can only circulate on urban roads, that is, within towns and cities. Within them, they must always go on the road, being forbidden to circulate on sidewalks, as well as on motorways, dual carriageways or urban tunnels.

Yes, they will be able to travel on the bike lane as long as the corresponding municipal ordinance so collects it.

On the other hand, andn electric scooters or in any other personal mobility vehicle (PMV)
only one person can travel as it is equipped with a single seat. It is important to comply with the rules established as users of the road. In 2020, eight VMP users died, 97 hospitalized and 1,097 injured.

Users of this type of systems have to abide by the same rules regarding alcohol and drug use as other drivers. In addition, as of March 21, the new Traffic Law comes into force in its entirety, which incorporates the 0.0 blood alcohol level in minors for any vehicle, which includes scooters and bicycles.

Finally, those who circulate on an electric scooter or in some VMP cannot wear headphones connected to receiving devices or music and sound players, as is the case with the rest of the vehicles that circulate on the roads. This is due to the isolation from the environment that they suppose, in such a way that they make it more difficult to perceive signs and situations that are important for the user’s safety.

As for the cyclistsSince the entry into force of the new Law, vehicles that need to overtake a bicycle or a moped will have to do so completely occupying the adjoining lane if the road has 2 or more lanes in each direction. And if the road only has one lane, keep the minimum separation of 1.5 meters.

Now, if you are underage and driving, your alcohol level is 0.0, and it is forbidden to stop or park in the bike lane or on cycle paths. Failure to comply is considered a serious violation

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