This is how the Gilinski takeover bids for Sura and Nutresa go

At the end of the second day of the Public Acquisition Offers (OPA) launched by the Gilinski Group to expand its shareholding in the Antioquia conglomerates Sura and Nutresa, the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC) reports the reception of 40 acceptances in both processes.

As indicated, the acceptances received (5 yesterday and 29 today) correspond to 57,407 shares of Grupo Sura, a company in which Gilinski’s JGDB Holding already has 31.5%, and seeks to acquire a new portion, between 5, 2% and 6.5%, offering US$9.88 for each title.

During the trading session this Thursday on the BVC, the Sura species was quoted between $35,660 and $36,420, and ended the negotiations at $36,020.

In the case of the OPA launched by Nugil, which already owns 30.8% of Nutresa, the BVC indicated that six acceptances were received (none yesterday), which corresponds to 2,116 shares. However, it is worth noting that both the offer for Sura and Nutresa will be open until April 25.

Gilinski’s bet for the paisa food conglomerate is to make another percentage, between 9.6% and 12%, paying US$12.58 for each share.

In yesterday’s session, the value of this title had a minimum of $45,600 and marked a maximum of $46,570, ending operations at $45,860.

At this juncture, Nutresa summoned its shareholders to an extraordinary meeting on April 21, at 8 in the morning, at the José Gutiérrez Gómez Metropolitan Theater. The idea is to make a decision on the authorization required by the members of the company’s board of directors due to the existence of potential conflicts of interest to deliberate and decide on the takeover bid presented by JGDB Holding for Sura’s shares.



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