This is how Survivor, the new reality show from Telefe, began


One week from the final of Big Brother, Telefe premiered on the screen its new big bet. It is another reality showin which coexistence is a key part of the proposal, although here the context is very different. Survivora group of 25 men and women must overcome all kinds of dangers and pass different tests, with the aim of winning the grand prize. And with Marley At the forefront of the cycle, the first episode of this program showed its many attractive ingredients.

On the island of Capurganá in Colombia, Marley announced to the players that they must survive “the climate, hunger and the adversities of a hostile terrain.” The images show the flora and fauna of a place that will push this group of participants to the limits. “This is a paradise, in this jungle there are poisonous snakes, alligators and many insects. Here they will be isolated from civilization, fighting day following day to survive in a place completely different from what they are used to. The participants are regarding to begin the longest day of their lives,” announced the host before taking all the participants to the playing field.

The journey by boat to their destination was not easy, with many dizzy spells and vomiting, and on the deck of that transport they had to face their first test. The challenge led them to have to get their first provisions and go on rafts to the coast, a task that they had to organize in record time. Despite the difficulties, the group was able to reach the shore, in the middle of a very rough sea that was a great obstacle for them.

The group was then asked to follow a path that opened in the middle of the jungle, and whose destination would take them to the beach. There they were met once more by the driver, who told them: “We are in this beautiful place, we have arrived at the first game of Survivorand here the 25 of you will face each other, all once morest each other. It is a game of great balance and mental strength, I wish you the best of luck.” The instruction was to stand on individual bases, anchored in the sea. The waves and the wind threatened the balance, and a player named Giselle42 years old, was the first to fall and therefore be eliminated from the quest. Then other participants fell, named Martina y Tomás. Over the next few minutes, the rest of the contestants fell, and when 61 minutes had passed, she stood stoically, Samantha She was the only one left standing, and was crowned the winner of the inaugural challenge. She was awarded an immunity necklace, which guaranteed her permanence when her group had to vote in the council.

Then it was time to form the groups, and thus the South and North teams were formed. And the first decision that Samanta had to make was to designate which team Giselle should go to, the player who was the first to fall from her base during the previous game. Her decision was to keep her on her team, despite the possible complications that this might mean (for example, one more mouth to share provisions with).

Once this stage was over, the two groups split up and had to organize themselves to spend the night outdoors. This is where a group work dynamic began, with some isolated frictions, although team spirit always prevailed. Thus, everyone began to build very precarious structures to take shelter, struggled to start a fire and open some coconuts to take a few drops of liquid.

After spending the night in the cold and with very little rest, the two teams met up with Marley early in the morning, and he informed them of a new test in which fire proved to be the main protagonist. Immersed in a very hostile environment and living with all kinds of dangers, this was the beginning of Survivor.

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