This is how psycho-oncology works in patients with breast cancer – Salamanca 24 Horas

GrupoLaberinto has presented the latest concept in psychotherapy, telling you everything you need to know about Psychooncology and this type of cancer, a specific psychological therapy for patients suffering from this disease. Because a certain mental state can seriously influence our health and that of those around us. Pay close attention to these seven keys:

Psycho-oncology is the branch of health psychology that deals with the care of patients affected by cancer and their families. It is important to note that this therapy does not cure the disease and is not an alternative to any traditional treatment. The main objective of psycho-oncology is to treat the relationships between mental states and the behavior of patients in the evolution of cancer.

The shock of a diagnosis is the first of several emotional impacts that a woman has to deal with. The word cancer is very scary, so it is normal to have many doubts and fears about the evolution, the treatment, the prognosis… many emotions to deal with in a short time. Of all of them, perhaps, the uncertainty about her health is the most difficult to deal with.

The diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a highly stressful event that can lead to depressive episodes, sadness and intrusive thoughts in the medium and long term. It has been proven that many of the psychological and physical symptoms caused by this disease can be effectively reduced with the help of psycho-oncologists.

The greatest psychological and emotional deterioration occurs during treatment, due to the physical consequences and side effects of the treatment. Fatigue, hair loss, nausea and dizziness are symptoms that accompany patients for a long period of time and cause great physical discomfort, affecting their quality of life and their perception of their body image, having consequences on their self-esteem, social, sexual and romantic relationships.

There may be changes in the behaviour of these patients, such as the clothes they choose to wear, avoiding looking in the mirror or stopping going out and isolating themselves, due to shame and fear of rejection. Psycho-oncology offers the patient a private space for emotional relief to express their feelings, recognise them and, above all, accept them. It increases the patient’s self-efficiency and control so that they can seek possible solutions to their problems.

Social support is very important. Psycho-oncology sessions help the patient to better communicate with family members and medical staff.

After overcoming this experience, there can be great learning, a change of priorities and a richer and more positive outlook on life.



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