This is how it is with the poor payers – and here is the North Jutland “duks”

However, this is not the case – on the contrary.

This shows figures from the data and analysis company Experian, which runs the RKI register, writes Ritzau.

A little more have paid their bills on time, and the number of citizens who are registered as bad payers in RKI has thus decreased.

Whereas in January 2024 there were 173,093 people registered in RKI, in July there were 170,166 people registered.

This corresponds to a decrease of approximately 1.7 percent and, according to Experian, is the lowest number ever.

– It is quite surprising that we see a decline on top of the many different financial crises that have occurred, which should have an impact on the Danes’ private finances, says Bo Rasmussen, who is director of Experian.

Bo Rasmussen refers to rising interest rates and inflation, which rose during 2022 to around ten percent. Since then, inflation has fallen again and in July was calculated at 1.1 percent over a year.

Since January 2022, there have been no major fluctuations in the number of poorer payers in RKI. But since January 2014, the number has dropped by around 27 percent.

– Well padded

There may be several reasons why the number of Danes in RKI is not increasing as expected, believes Bo Rasmussen.

A warning light lights up red

In July 2024, the average debtor had a defaulted debt of DKK 49,426. This is almost DKK 700 more than in January, but over DKK 3,000 less than in July 2023.

The RKI register is a solution that a large number of Danish companies and debt collection companies use to register people and companies that do not pay their bills.

If you end up in the RKI register, it has an impact on your options for taking out loans, among other things.

The proportion of debtors who owe up to DKK 5,000 has increased. And this may mean that more people will end up on the register in the future

In order to be registered in RKI, you must receive three written reminders. The public authorities can only report a person to RKI if that person owes at least DKK 7,500.


– First of all, I am convinced that the Danes are generally better at looking after their money. You are well cushioned to handle unforeseen costs, he says.

In addition, unemployment remains at a low level. Having a job obviously means that it will be easier to pay your bills, points out Bo Rasmussen.

The North Jutland dux

Nationally, there are large differences in how many are registered as poor payers:

The top scorer is Lolland Municipality, where 8.11 percent of the population is registered in the RKI.

This makes the municipality the one in the country with the largest proportion of poor payers, while, for example, Gentofte and Hørsholm only have between one and two percent of poor payers.

Internally among the North Jutland municipalities too, there are considerable differences, shows a calculation that TV 2 has made on the basis of figures from Experian.

The “duksen” is Rebild Kommune, where just 2.47 percent of the citizens are registered as bad payers with a debt of DKK 67,000 on average.

It looks somewhat worse in Vesthimmerland Municipality, where 4.55 percent are registered as bad payers with an average debt of almost DKK 75,000.

Just below is, for example, Hjørring Municipality, where 4.03 percent of citizens are in RKI with an average debt of around DKK 49,000.

Share of poor payers in North Jutland municipalities

The following percentages indicate the percentage of residents in the individual North Jutland municipalities who are registered as poor payers.

Rebild Municipality: 2.47

Læsø 3.11

Aalborg Municipality: 3.26

Thisted Municipality: 3.36

Frederikshavn Municipality: 3.81

Jammerbugt Municipality: 3.89

Brønderslev Municipality: 3.92

Hjørring Municipality 4.03

Mariagerfjord Municipality 4.06

Morsø Municipality: 4.09

Vesthimmerland Municipality: 4.55

Experian/TV 2

2024-08-20 09:06:16
#poor #payers #North #Jutland #duks



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