This is how exercising affects your desire for sex

Work usually consumes a good part of the daily time; Experts recommend taking time to run, jump, dance or play sports to improve sexual activity.

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Experts agree that half an hour of exercise a day works very well: burns calories, reduces stress, makes people happier and best of all, increases desire. Several studies have confirmed that those who exercise more frequently have more pleasurable sex lives.

Apparently, the key is that exercise gives you more energy and improves your mood (the main reason used by the female gender to avoid having sex).

Research from the University of Denmark indicates that a person can receive better benefits with just 30 minutes of practicing a physical activity versus one who spends an hour or more training. “A good sexual life depends a lot on a good state of mind, normal blood pressure, good metabolic values, lower stress levels, and a good physical condition,” explains the doctor Daniel Peñuela.

“When a person exercises, they feel better, if it is constant, their body reflects that exercise and they feel more confident to enjoy sexual pleasures,” he adds.

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Personal trainers and sexologists agree on a list of exercises that, according to their knowledge and practices, report better results in bed.

“Sports activity helps a person feel better with their body and raise your self esteem; they feel more desirable and are more willing to be with their partner, which is why physical exercise is an important help because it increases desire,” says psychologist Andrea Rojas.

Another aspect that is affected when we get in shape is the sexual resistance. “If you strive to improve physically every day and set goals, your body will increase its strength and then you will be more willing to have long and pleasant relationships, and that they will not become boring and short due to your lack of state physical,” says Javier S., a personal trainer who works north of Bogotá.

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Five Activities That Increase Your Desire

These are the 5 activities that coaches and sexologists most recommend:

  • 1 Run. According to a study from Harvard University, a man who practices sports reduces the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction by 50%. Their mood improvestones the muscles of the legs and even the vaginal ones.
  • 2 Nadar. Being the exercise that involves the most muscles, it is ideal for them. Strengthens and increases stamina.
  • 3 Dance. It is an aerobic exercise and, according to doctors, these are the ones that improve circulation and breathing, keys in sex. The dance would improve the problems of lubrication, erection and would facilitate the female orgasm.
  • 4 Play basketball. This exercise, according to research carried out several years ago by Harvard University, irrigates more blood to the clitoris, thus improving female pleasure. It would also have an effect on men because it increases competition and raises hormone levels, which play a fundamental role in sex.
  • 5 Jump outdoors. The sun gives energy, helps the production of vitamin D, promotes the absorption of calcium and helps generate more testosterone, the hormone of sexual desire. Jumping rope can give great results.



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