“This is how Andrea Orlando can win” –

Look Brunello

More than a political alliance, it resembles an exclusive club. One of those where to pass the entrance exams and become a member you have to go through the gauntlet. Matteo Renzi, the leader of Italia Viva, is realizing this, and in every way, he is trying to join the broad field but every day he has to face a different barrier. And to think that the former mayor of Florence showed up at the entrance door with the right invitation, that of the secretary of the Democratic Party. Elly Schlein’s green light, however, is not enough, the members are in revolt, and they don’t want to know about sharing the spaces, with what they effectively consider a gatecrasher. The most clear-cut, at least for once, is Giuseppe Conte. The leader of the M5S, mindful of the fatal trip up to his government and the red carpet laid out for his successor, Mario Draghi, denies any kind of welcome to the Florentine. Former minister Maria Elena Boschi is no slouch when she says that the lawyer is stuck on the “snub” of 2021, because in the following months, it was a whirlwind of insults and insults. One against the other, and vice versa, moral: the two can’t stand each other, it’s hard to imagine seeing them on the same side again. If Conte is the most explicit, many others think the same thing, and say it even more colorfully. Starting with Romano Prodi, in “Savonarola” version. The professor from Bologna, from the stage of the Festa Nazionale delle Unità in Reggio Emilia, even started from the Holy Scriptures: “In the Gospel of Saint Luke it is said that “there is more celebration in heaven for one sinner who repents, than for a thousand righteous people”. However, first he must admit to being a sinner, second he must repent…”. And there is also the jab from Massimo D’Alema from the stage of the Festa dell’Unità, who reproaches Renzi for not having votes. While the other excellent “scrap”, Enrico Letta, with a sarcastic smile avoids saying whether he trusts the leader of Italia Viva for fear of “being misinterpreted” and limits himself to saying: “I trust Elly Schlein”.
Then there is Nicola Fratoianni, who suggests that he change jobs («leave consultancy») and adopt a «dress code» more in keeping with the broad field, blue blazers out of the way. Not to mention the Democratic Party, from Goffredo Bettini to Giuseppe Provenzano, there are more and more exponents nostalgic for vetoes (ah, the good old days of Enrico Letta).

Pd-M5s agreement, Orlando will be the candidate in Liguria but the Renzi issue remains

The trap was thus set for Liguria, the Florentine in fact supports the regional capital of Marco Bucci, with an assessor and two city councilors. “You can’t have one foot in two shoes”, warned Elly, who has to say something, to quell the internal revolt. Matteo Renzi, who as is known, was not born yesterday, has sensed the danger, and has transformed himself into the most realist of the king. I will immediately leave the administration of Genoa, (but the mayor reiterates “to date Italia Viva is with me”) he promised, and never mind if the mayor in question is the most praised by the Renzian parliamentarians, and never mind if the assessor who should step down, personally will not do so. Then there is the question of placement, Andrea Orlando (the candidate of the broad field, who from unofficial, is now “semi-official”) will have to prepare an enclosure, “three monkeys” style, who do not see, do not hear and do not speak. In practice, an indistinct list of centrists, “no logo”. A solution that could also work well for other Regions, not just those that will go to the polls in the fall. A real contradiction, if the broad field needs a moderate leg, why then do everything to hide it? And in any case it is not enough. Also from the city of the Lanterna, it is Ferruccio Sansa, the journalist of the Fatto Quotidiano torn to pieces by Toti in 2020, who pronounces the last non expedit: «No to Italia Viva. No to letting camouflaged candidates enter other lists. Above all because he wants different things from us on health, legality, the Constitution, the environment and economic development». In short, for Matteo Renzi, alias Guglielmo Speranza (the immortal protagonist of Eduardo’s comedy), «the exams never end».

#Andrea #Orlando #win #Tempo
2024-09-04 18:24:45



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