This is how Akram Hosni celebrated his daughter’s birthday.. and the audience: “He looks very similar to you.”

2023-09-16 09:50:00

12:50 PM Saturday 16 September 2023

Books – Hani Saber:

The artist Akram Hosni shared with his followers on social media his celebration of his daughter Ruba’s birthday.

Akram posted a photo of himself with his daughter on his Instagram account, and commented: “Happy birthday, Roopa…I love you more than you know.”

The audience’s comments were as follows: “Happy and prosperous New Year to her,” “May God protect you and protect you for each other,” “May God bless her,” “She looks very similar to you,” “I hope you see her as the most beautiful bride.”

On the other hand, Akram Hosni, in collaboration with the great singer Medhat Saleh, released the song “Dangerous, O Brothers” on YouTube and music platforms to promote his movie “Agent Zero,” which was recently released in Arab theaters.

The song is the first collaboration between the two stars, lyrics by Akram Hosni, composed and arranged by Ahmed Waheed King.

The song “Dangerous, O Brothers” comes after two songs released by Akram Hosni, the first “We will sing the world’s dance” and the second “Ali, Who Is Usta”, as promotional songs for the film before it was released in cinemas.

The events of the movie Agent Zero revolve around a character named Safar Abdul Latif Shaddad Al-Him, a security personnel who dreams of being a famous hero like James Bond, but he fails and is exposed to many comical situations.

In addition to Akram Hosni, the film stars stars Bayoumi Fouad, Asmaa Abu Al-Yazid, Mustafa Gharib, Munther Rayhana, Fatima Al-Banawi, Phaedra, Ayman Tohme, Ismail Farghaly, Ayman Al-Sheiwi. The film is an idea by Muhammad Sami, a script and dialogue by Wael Abdullah, and produced by Louay Abdullah and directed by Karim Al-Adl.

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