This food makes you happy and is good for you, the discovery comes from a study – RicettaSprint

When you eat it, your mood is always at its best. As well as your health. What is it, go and taste some now.

What is the food of happiness and what makes you feel good? (

The relationship between food and happiness It’s a fascinating topic that has attracted the attention of psychologists, nutritionists and researchers over the years. Recently, a study highlighted a food that could not only contribute to physical well-being, but also to mental well-being.

It’s about chocolate. This discovery has reignited the debate on how food can influence our mood and our quality of life. But chocolate is not the only “food of happiness”. There are others that are good, improve mood and make us feel better.

Food in general it is not just a source of nutrition. It also plays a crucial role in our mood and mental health. Several studies have shown that what we eat can influence the production of neurotransmitters in our body, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Which are connected to the feeling of happiness and well-being. In this context, chocolate emerges as one of the most studied foods for its potential positive effect on mood.

What food makes you happy?

Dark chocolate (

The research involved a sample of participants who consumed chocolate regularly over a set period. The results revealed that those who included chocolate in their daily diet reported a significant increase their state of happiness.

The researchers attributed this effect to several factors. First, dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which can help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. These positive effects on physical health can translate into an improvement in mental well-being.

And the consumption of chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, the so-called “happy hormones”, which can help reduce stress and improve mood. Some participants also reported that the simple act of eating chocolate, often associated with moments of relaxation and pleasure, had a direct impact on their happiness.

However, not all types of chocolate are the same. The researchers pointed out that dark chocolate, containing at least 70% cocoa, it is the one that offers the greatest advantages.

Not all types of chocolate are good for you, and there are other foods

In contrast, milk and white chocolate, which contain added sugars and fats, may not have the same positive effect and, if consumed in excess, can lead to health problems such as obesity.

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The key, then, is moderation. Incorporating a small amount of dark chocolate into your diet can provide benefits without compromising your health. Experts recommend enjoying chocolate as part of a balanced diet, pairing it with fruit, nuts or yogurt to maximize the nutritional benefits.

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In addition to chocolate, there are other foods that can help improve mood. Fresh fruit and vegetables, fish rich in omega-3, whole grains and nuts are all foods that promote psychological well-being.

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These foods not only provide essential nutrients, but can also positively influence the production of neurotransmitters and hormones linked to happiness.

The Food of Happiness: Chocolate and More!

When you eat it, your mood is always at its best. As well as your health. What is it, go and taste some now.

<pYou see, the relationship between food and happiness is a riveting topic, one that has drawn the gaze of psychologists, nutritionists, and researchers alike. And spoiler alert: this isn’t just about munching on the nearest bag of crisps at your desk.

Chocolate: The Elixir of Life?

Drumroll, please! The study in question has identified chocolate as a not-so-secret weapon against the blues. Who knew that our guilty pleasure also had a side gig as a mood enhancer? It’s like finding out your cat is actually a royal! This delicious treat not only contributes to physical well-being but also lifts the spirits. A real multitasker, if you will.

What Makes Us Happy?

So, what does happiness taste like? As it turns out, the darker, the better! Dark chocolate—yes, the one that you’ve been trying to convince your taste buds to love—comes loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids. They’re like tiny superheroes, swooping in to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. So, while you indulge, just think of them as cheerleaders for your body, supporting your quest for happiness!

And There’s the Science Of It!

Research shows that participants who consumed chocolate regularly reported a significant increase in their happiness levels. What’s credited for this uplifting miracle? It’s all thanks to endorphins, the so-called “happy hormones.” Eating chocolate can be like carrying around your own little party in your pocket—minus the party hats. And let’s not forget the joy associated with enjoying chocolate; it’s often tied to moments of relaxation and pure pleasure.

But Wait, Not All Chocolate is Created Equal!

Now, before you toss all caution to the wind and binge on every chocolate bar in sight, remember that not all chocolates deliver the same amount of happiness. Milk and white chocolates may as well be wearing a disguise; those sneaky sugars and fats can turn your joy into regret if you aren’t careful. Moderation, my sweets, moderation! Dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa is your best bet for a guilt-free indulgence. It’s like finding the perfect partner: dark, rich, and unbelievably satisfying!

Other Mood-Boosting Foods

But wait, there’s a whole buffet of happiness out there beyond chocolate! Fresh fruits and vegetables, omega-3-rich fish, whole grains, and nuts can all help kick your mood into high gear. They’re the supporting cast of this delicious drama, helping to ensure serotonin and dopamine levels are up to snuff. Who knew dinner could be so generous?

Final Thoughts: Balance is Key!

In conclusion, the key takeaway from this delightful dive into the psychology of food is simple: happiness isn’t just about chocolate—but it’s certainly a fantastic start! Remember to balance your chocolate indulgences with wholesome foods to ensure that your body feels as good as your mood. So, here’s your assignment: mix a bit of dark chocolate, a few nuts, and a side of fresh fruit to create your own happiness platter. Just don’t forget to share—after all, happiness is even sweeter when it’s shared!

So go on, indulge wisely, and may your days be filled with the joy of good food! And remember, if anyone questions your chocolate-eating habits, you can always tell them you’re just boosting your mental health. Cheers!



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