This Embassy in Havana begins a “pilot test” to grant visas to Cubans 2024-08-05 01:44:57

This week, the Embassy in Havana began a pilot test for granting visas to Cubans, whether for tourism, business or simply transit, following changes.

As we have already analyzed in Cuban Directory, the National Migration Service of Panama implemented a new modality so that Cuban citizens can request their transit visas.

In addition to the online platform, which is currently in a trial period, interested parties can now submit their applications in person at the correspondence window. It is important to note that in order to receive in-person assistance, it is necessary to meet certain requirements and attend with a prior appointment.

The Embassy in Havana detailed the requirements for applying for transit visas. Although the online platform is available, Cubans can also opt for submitting their applications in person.

The necessary documents include the application form, passport, airline reservation, ID card and eligibility. It is important to note that the application must be made in person by a legal representative. More details about this process can be found at this link.

Embassy launches pilot test for visas for Cubans

In response to the growing demand for consular services, the Embassy of Panama in Cuba has launched a new visa issuance system starting August 1, 2024.

This “pilot test” of visas for Cubans by the Embassy seeks to speed up the procedures and offer better service to the island’s citizens, following detections of fraud and mismanagement.

However, it is important to note that the above process remains in effect for those who prefer to opt for this route.

The Panama stamped visa application page contains the following instructions:

  • Click the button identified at the bottom of this page “FILL OUT FORM”
  • The system will show you the screen where you must enter all the requested information. When you finish, select the “Generate Appointment” button to create your appointment.
  • Once the data has been saved, the system will display your appointment receipt on the screen, which you must print immediately. This document must be presented on the day of your appointment.
  • Please remember that you will only be seen on the day of your appointment.
  • The National Migration Service does not charge any fee for this appointment.

#Embassy #Havana #begins #pilot #test #grant #visas #Cubans



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