this actor from the Jackson trilogy is killing the Amazon series

Although the first season of Rings of Power ended on October 14 on Amazon Prime, to more than mixed reviews, the series heroic fantasy keep talking regarding her. This time, it is one of the actors of the trilogy of Peter Jackson who decided to literally descend the series of Jeff Bezos.

A mixed record

It is an understatement to say that season 1 of the a priori ambitious series from Amazon Prime Rings of Power ended in a very controversial finale. At the time of taking stock, the ratings clearly didn’t go his way, the first season clearly divided viewers, between those who appreciate the screenwriters’ take on freedom from the writer’s books and those who disapprove. On the press side, the result is hardly more flattering.

The screenwriters themselves have admitted it, “some things didn’t work out well” when rendering. JD Payne and Patrick McKay admit to making some writing mistakes, and face a lot of criticism.

a “money pump”

In this regard, some actors from Peter Jackson’s original trilogy have spoken regarding this new vintage. Andy Serkis, the interpreter of Gollum in the films of the New Zealand director was tender by qualifying it “incredibly engaging.

But this is not the case for everyone. In fact, the actor Bernard Hillwho plays the role of King of Rohan, King Theoden, literally took the series apart. In an interview with the media Metrothe british actor is strongly let go by confiding that he had not watched the series and that it does not “didn’t interest him at all!”

But the 77-year-old actor went further in his review as he called the series a “money making machine”:

No I am not interested. It’s a sucker, and I’m not interested in watching the show or appearing on it. Good luck to them and all that, but it’s not like the real story (…) Yes. I think they pulled the strings when they made The Hobbit. It’s a very small book, and they did a good job, a great job. They stretched the story to the max, but I think there’s a limit to everything. I think they achieved that in The Hobbit because there are some very good things in that trilogy, without a shadow of a doubt.”

To understand : The Hobbit should have represented the last adaptation of Tolkien’s writings according to Hill. Still, season 2 will therefore be awaited at the turn by fans and specialists in the world of JRR Tolkien. We know that the Rhûn regionmentioned by Tolkien in his writings, will be revealed, as will the manufacture of the other rings of power, or even that the elf Círdan will be in the cast.

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