Third relief package: money for students and pensioners

  2. Politics


Von: Hannah Blanket

A third relief package is coming. Chancellor Olaf Scholz presented the plans. Among other things, there are more concrete plans for the 9-euro ticket successor.

Hamm – It was announced as “massive”, but no concrete measures were known so far. On Saturday (September 3rd), the traffic light coalition then agreed on further financial relief for the citizens of Germany. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other representatives of the federal government presented the measures on Sunday.

The third relief package should have a total volume of more than 65 billion euros. It is higher than the two put together in the spring, said Scholz. The envisaged measures “relieve all households – including pensioners, students, technical students and trainees,” says the decision paper, which was previously available to several media. Analysis: From which Measures benefit workers, pensioners, students and recipients of social assistance.

Third relief package: energy flat rate for pensioners and students

Among other things, an energy flat rate is planned as a one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of 300 euros and to students in the amount of 200 euros as of December 1st. These groups of people were with the Energy flat rate in the first relief package not been taken into account. students and mini-jobbers had entitled to the 300 euros only in certain cases.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz also announced the “biggest housing benefit reform” in a long time. “That helps those who have a small income,” said Scholz. The housing benefit will also contain a permanent climate component and a permanent heating cost component to cushion rising energy prices more. In the short term, from September to December 2022, those entitled will receive a one-time additional heating cost allowance of 415 euros.

Third relief package: the successor for the 9-euro ticket is coming

In addition, the SPD, Greens and FDP have agreed on a successor model for the 9-euro ticket. However, the price of the ticket has not yet been finally determined. The goal is a price range between 49 and 69 euros per month, according to the decision paper. Over a The successor to the 9-euro ticket has been discussed for a long time. That 365-Euro-Ticket seems off the table. One Ticket for 69 euros per month brought the transport companies into play. The SPD had a nationwide 49-euro ticket as successor to the 9-euro ticket required.

The third relief package at a glance

  • Pensioner receive a one-off payment of 300 euros on December 1st.
  • Students receive a one-off payment of 200 euros on December 1st.
  • Die Successor to the 9-euro ticket comes. There should be a nationwide ticket that costs between 49 and 69 euros per month. If Transport Minister Volker Wissing has his way, the ticket should be introduced in early 2023. The federal government is providing 1.5 billion euros for the successor model.
  • That child support will be increased by 18 euros per month for the first and second child from January 1, 2023. In addition, the maximum amount of the child allowance will be increased to 250 euros per month.
  • That housing benefit will be reformed on January 1, 2023: It should contain a permanent climate component and a permanent heating cost component.
  • In addition, recipients of housing benefit receive a one-off heating allowance for the period from September 2022 to December 2022. It is a one-time fee of 415 euros for a one-person household, 540 euros for two people and an additional 100 euros for each additional person.
  • That citizen money is introduced. At the beginning of 2023, the standard rates for the needy are to be increased to around 500 euros.
  • As of January 1, 2023, the tariff benchmarks in income tax rate customized.
  • Of the employee lump sum the income tax will be increased by 200 euros to 1200 euros.
  • Die distance fee for long-distance commuters has been increased from 35 to 38 cents until 2026.
  • From October 2022 to the end of March 2024, the normal tax rate of 19 percent applies to gas consumption reduced tax rate of seven percent.
  • In the future one reduced electricity price apply to basic consumption. For an additional consumption beyond that, the price would not be limited.
  • Die EEG surcharge will be permanently abolished from 2023. Electricity suppliers must pass on the loss to customers so that all citizens benefit.
  • Die Home office flat rate becomes permanent. A deduction of income tax expenses of five euros per home office day, up to a maximum of 600 euros per year, is possible.
  • The maximum limit for employment in the transition area (Midi-Job) will be raised to 2000 euros per month on January 1, 2023.

New relief package for Germany: “Lead the country safely through this crisis”

“Germany stands together in difficult times. As a country, we will get through this difficult time,” said Chancellor Scholz. Regarding the goal of the relief, he said: “It’s regarding leading our country safely through this crisis.” Many people were currently worried. “We take all these concerns very, very seriously.” Scholz emphasized once more: “You’ll never walk alone, we won’t leave anyone alone.” (with afp / dpa)



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