Third batch of US politicians to visit Taiwan, ignore threats | Around the world DAILY

Tensions between China, the United States and Taiwan have been strained since the visit of the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That caused China to respond with large-scale military exercises around the island of Taiwan. claiming that the attitude of the United States It’s no different from violating the One China Principle, but more recently, another US politician is visiting Taiwan today. including meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen to demonstrate close cooperation between the United States and Taiwan, ignoring the threat from China. #Taiwan #Nancy Pelosi #China-US relations #Channel 36 #big news stories #Today’s news #PPTVNews #PPTVHD36 #dark evening news #PPTVStories Follow more news on the website. and social media channels Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : pptvhd36/ Line :

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Third batch of US politicians to visit Taiwan, ignore threats

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