“Things are moving in Russia, we have to follow this very closely”

War in Ukraine: in view of the latest events and the rumbling anger, will Vladimir Putin review his strategy?

A decisive year

However, he underlines a “concern at the start of 2023”, given the radically opposed positions of the two countries involved in the conflict. “You can see that there are two very different rhythms. The rhythm imposed by the Kremlin which is long and slow, with a Russia which constantly reaffirms that it will achieve its objectives even if it will take it longer, and then that of the victim – Ukraine – which is under bombardment incessant and who does an immense job of mobilizing both internally and externally.”

According to Mr. Rosenblatt, 2023 will be decisive. “In particular on Ukraine’s ability to be sufficiently supplied with weapons and to continue to accumulate victories,” he continues. “Its population will have to continue to show resilience, while seeing a Russia in the face that talks regarding a possible counterattack.”

Fighting in burned cities, downed planes…: where do these disturbing images associated with the war in Ukraine come from?

Two important factors for the outcome of the war in Ukraine

Zénon Kowal, diplomat and former special adviser to the Ukrainian Embassy in Brussels, confirms that the coming months will be decisive. “Even part of the winter will be. When the ground is frozen and vehicles can circulate, an attack is quite possible”, he explains on LN24. “This is where the future will be played out.” Several factors will come into play to determine the outcome of the conflict, according to the diplomat. “Ukraine will be able to go as far as it is allowed to go by arming it adequately. If Ukraine has longer-range weapons that can impact Russian logistics, it can move forward and drive the Russians off its soil.” For Mr. Kowal, it will also be necessary to follow very closely what will happen in Russia. This might change the course of the conflict.



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