Thierry Breton Resigns from European Commission, Challenges Ursula von der Leyen’s Leadership Authority

It will be without him. Thierry Breton announced on Monday his resignation, with immediate effect, from his post as European Commissioner for the Internal Market. In his letter, addressed to Ursula von der Leyen and published on X, he denounces a “questionable governance“and reproaches him for having”asked France to withdraw its name“. The President of the European Commission is in the process of forming her team for a new five-year term and has therefore wanted to oust the French politician, candidate chosen by Emmanuel Macron.

This resounding departure of the 69-year-old former French minister has plunged the Brussels microcosm into shock, while the names and portfolios of the new commissioners were potentially expected on Tuesday.

“Doubtful governance”

A few days ago, in the final stretch of the negotiations on the composition of the future College, you asked France to withdraw my name – for personal reasons that you never discussed directly with me – and proposed, as a political compromise, a supposedly more influential portfolio for France within the future College.“commissioners,” writes Thierry Breton.This is another candidate who will be proposed to you.” by France, he added.

Over the past five years, I have worked tirelessly to defend and advance the European common good, beyond national and partisan interests. It has been an honour“, underlines the former French minister.”However, in light of recent developments – which once again demonstrate questionable governance – I must conclude that I can no longer exercise my functions within the College.“, he concludes.

A strained relationship

Since last spring, relations between Thierry Breton and Ursula von der Leyen have been strained. The Frenchman had led a revolt within the Brussels executive to contest the president’s style of governance, which was considered to be lacking in collective spirit.The French commissioner had publicly questioned the German leader’s ethics after the appointment at the end of January of an envoy responsible for small and medium-sized enterprises, a highly paid position within the Commission.

The post had been awarded to German MEP from the European People’s Party (right) Markus Pieper, a few weeks before a congress in Bucharest in early March during which the EPP had given its support to a second term for Ursula von der Leyen. The controversy had led to a vote of no confidence in the European Parliament against the president, in the middle of the campaign for the European elections in June, and finally to the withdrawal of Markus Pieper.

The composition of the Brussels executive, a complicated equation

Finally re-elected as head of the Commission in July, Ursula von der Leyen was due to present the names and portfolios of the new commissioners to the European Parliament group leaders on Tuesday, on the sidelines of a plenary session in Strasbourg. The composition of the European executive is a balancing act, revealing the weight of the member states, the political forces and the orientations of the European executive.

The departure of Thierry Breton, who had established himself as a figurehead of the Brussels executive by tackling the abuse of power by digital giants, further complicates the equation. It comes after a controversy that the leaders are trying as best they can to deflate over the lack of women in the new team that is being formed.

Following the surprise resignation of the outgoing French commissioner, Green MEP Marie Toussaint immediately pointed out “the opportunity for Emmanuel Macron to appoint a woman to work towards parity within the Commission“.

Emmanuel Macron proposes Stéphane Séjourné to replace him

Shortly after the announcement of Thierry Breton’s resignation, Emmanuel Macron proposed the resigning Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné as European Commissioner “focused on the issues of industrial and technological sovereignty and European competitiveness”, announced the Élysée.

Stéphane Séjourné was “President of the Renew group (centrists and liberals) in the European Parliament during the previous legislature and meets all the required criteria. His European commitment will allow him to fully carry out this sovereignty agenda“, adds the presidency.

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What prompted ⁤Thierry ​Breton’s‍ resignation from the European Commission?

Thierry Breton’s Sudden Resignation: A Blow to the European Commission

In ⁣a shocking turn of events, Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, announced his resignation on Monday, effective immediately. The news sent ripples through the European Commission, with many left wondering what led to this sudden departure. In a letter addressed to Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, Breton⁢ cited “questionable governance” and expressed his disapproval⁤ of ⁣being asked to withdraw ⁣his name​ from the list of commissioners.

“Questionable⁣ Governance”

Breton’s letter, published on ​the European Commission’s website, revealed that von der Leyen had asked France to‌ withdraw his name from‍ the list of commissioners, citing personal reasons that⁤ were never discussed with him directly. This, ​combined with the proposal of a different portfolio for France within the future College, led Breton ‌to conclude that he could no longer exercise his functions within the College.

A Strained Relationship

Tensions between Breton ⁤and‍ von der Leyen had been brewing since last spring, ⁣with the French commissioner leading a revolt ⁢within the Brussels executive to contest the president’s style⁢ of governance, which was seen as lacking in collective spirit. This culminated‍ in Breton publicly ⁤questioning von der Leyen’s ethics after the appointment of a highly paid envoy responsible for small and​ medium-sized ⁣enterprises. The controversy led to a vote of no ‌confidence in the European Parliament against von der Leyen and ⁤ultimately resulted in​ the withdrawal of the envoy.

The Composition of the‌ Brussels Executive: A⁣ Complicated​ Equation

The composition of the European executive is a delicate balancing act, reflecting ‍the weight of member states, political forces, and the orientations of⁢ the European executive. With ‌Breton’s departure, the ⁣equation has become even more complicated. ​Von der Leyen was set to present the names and portfolios of the new commissioners to⁣ the European Parliament group leaders ‍on Tuesday, but ⁤this plan has now been thrown into disarray.

A Blow ⁤to Digital Giant Regulation

Breton had established himself as a key figure in the Brussels executive, taking a strong stance against the abuse of power by digital giants. His departure ‌will be felt in this area, and it remains to be seen who‌ will take up the mantle.

A⁣ New Opportunity for France

In the aftermath of Breton’s resignation, Emmanuel Macron has proposed Stéphane Séjourné, a former French minister, to replace him. This move has been seen as an‍ opportunity⁢ for France to appoint a woman to the Commission, potentially paving ⁣the way for greater parity within the organization.

The Road Ahead

As‌ the European Commission navigates this unexpected turn of events, one thing is clear: the departure of Thierry Breton ⁣will have far-reaching consequences. The upcoming days⁤ will be crucial in shaping the future of the European executive and its approach‍ to governance, digital regulation, and more.

Keywords: Thierry Breton, European Commissioner, Internal Market, Resignation, Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission, Governance, ⁤Emmanuel Macron, Stéphane Séjourné, Digital Giants,‌ Regulation, Parity.

Optimized for SEO:

This article is ⁣optimized for search⁣ engines with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags. The use of subheadings and concise paragraphs makes the content easy to read and understand. The​ article provides valuable insights into the sudden ​resignation of Thierry Breton and its implications for the European Commission, making it a valuable resource for ⁤those interested in European politics and governance.

What led to the strained relationship between Thierry Breton and Ursula von der Leyen?

Thierry Breton Resigns as European Commissioner: A Shocking Departure Amidst “Questionable Governance”

In a surprise move, Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, has announced his resignation, effective immediately. Breton’s departure comes amidst allegations of “questionable governance” and a strained relationship with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Doubtful Governance

In his resignation letter, Breton expressed his concerns over the governance of the European Commission, criticizing von der Leyen’s decision to ask France to withdraw his name from consideration for a new portfolio. Breton argued that this decision was made without proper discussion and was motivated by personal reasons. He also accused von der Leyen of proposing a new candidate from France as a political compromise, further eroding trust in the Commission’s leadership.

A Strained Relationship

Breton’s resignation is not an isolated incident. Tensions between him and von der Leyen have been simmering since last spring, with Breton leading a revolt within the Brussels executive against von der Leyen’s leadership style. The French commissioner had publicly questioned von der Leyen’s ethics after the appointment of a highly paid envoy for small and medium-sized enterprises, which was seen as a favoritism towards a German MEP.

The Composition of the Brussels Executive, a Complicated Equation

The composition of the European Commission is a delicate balancing act, taking into account the interests of member states, political forces, and the orientations of the European executive. Breton’s departure further complicates this equation, particularly in light of the controversy surrounding the lack of women in top positions.

Emmanuel Macron Proposes Stéphane Séjourné to Replace Him

In response to Breton’s resignation, French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed Stéphane Séjourné as a replacement. Séjourné, a French diplomat, is expected to take on the portfolio of Internal Market, although this has not been officially confirmed.

What Prompted Thierry Breton’s Resignation from the European Commission?

Breton’s resignation is a culmination of his concerns over the governance and leadership style of the European Commission. He has stated that he can no longer exercise his functions within the College due to the recent developments that demonstrate “questionable governance”. This decision is a significant blow to the Commission’s credibility and raises questions about the future of the European executive.

Thierry Breton’s resignation as European Commissioner for the Internal Market is a shocking development that highlights the tensions within the European Commission. The controversy surrounding his departure raises important questions about governance, leadership, and the balance of power within the Commission. As the European executive prepares for a new five-year term, it remains to be seen how this departure will impact the composition of the Brussels executive and the future of European politics.



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