Thiago’s striking reaction when Santiago del Moro confirmed that Daniela was leaving

On Monday night, the house of Big Brother (Telephone) fired Daniela. The young woman from Moreno Was eliminated by the public vote, by sharing a plaque with her friends, Juliet and Rominain the middle of one Coti Strategy, when executing the spontaneous nomination. The situation revolutionized coexistence and there are moments of tension in the realityheaded by Thiago, who drew attention upon hearing his girlfriend’s name as the ninth ejected from the game.

Romina, Julieta and Daniela made up the last nomination plate. The tension crossed the screen at the moment that Santiago del Moro communicated the public vote. The former deputy was the first saved and this led to a heads-up between the friends, who indicated that it was the worst scenario that could have arisen. Finally, the driver announced that the young woman from Moreno was out of the game, who obtained 73.29% of the votes. Hugs were not long in coming.

However, while Juliet consoled Danieladrew attention to attitude of Thiagowho froze next to his girlfriend and then he withdrew from the living room to the room. Minutes later, she reappeared on the screen but with a change of look by taking off his pink shirt and putting on a gray one. It is estimated that he placed the garment in the suitcase to whoever the couple was, as a memory, although that will be confirmed by the ex-participant when she gives interviews.

But also, the participant maintained a very serious gesture from the communication of the information until the young woman left the house. There were no special greetings or specific dedications, which demonstrated a tense moment between them. Thiago had the opportunity to save Daniela of the plaque for being the weekly leader, but, on the contrary, took Alexis outyour great friend. Since then, their bond has become somewhat strained.


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