“They’re fixated”, stop the Egonu case –

The victory of the Italian women’s volleyball team at the Paris Olympics has brought back to the forefront the passages dedicated to the Italian volleyball player Paola Egonu in Roberto Vannacci’s book “Il mondo al contrario”. The left is fueling the debate, considering those phrases unacceptable. The MEP elected as an independent on the Lega lists, in a video posted on his social media channels on the day of Ferragosto, addresses the issue, explaining that he has not said anything that constitutes a crime, nor anything offensive.

Bernardini de Pace, a torpedo to political correctness: Why do I have to say black?

“What have I been talking about that was so strange in the last few hours? Always about physical features”: “a person, not to mention the usual names because it is a generalized thing, who has the typical physical features of Central Africa does not represent the vast majority of Italians, who instead have white skin and typically Caucasian physical features”, says Vannacci in the video published while he is at sea, on a small boat and on an inflatable. From here the general focuses on four aspects, asking questions and offering answers: “Is what I said true? Yes, it is true. Just look at the statistics of the Italian population and just ask the Italians. Italians are white. There are some second-generation Italians, that is, with Italian citizenship, who have black skin but whose origins are clearly African. So what I said is true”.

Vannacci insists on Egonu: I never said she's not Italian

“Second consideration: is what I said strange? No, it’s not strange. Everyone knows it.” “Third point: is it a crime? Is it an offense or an incitement to hatred to say what I said? No, it’s not. Absolutely not. And not only do I say it and most Italians say it, but judges have also spoken out about it. And so we can put a final point on this topic too.” The fourth “and final observation” is whether the whole affair “interests anyone: it doesn’t interest me much, and instead it interests all those detractors who bring up this phrase every time just to attract attention. They’re the ones who are fixated, not me. I wrote it once and that’s enough for me.”

#Theyre #fixated #stop #Egonu #case #Tempo
2024-08-19 09:49:08



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