they’d rebelled towards the Church –

Stefano Canto

The Poor Clares of the Belorado monastery have been excommunicated after declaring they’d “voluntarily separated” from the Catholic Church. This was introduced in a word from the archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta. The excommunication considerations ten nuns of the group, excluding 5 aged nuns and three others who had left the monastery in latest days. The archbishop’s choice got here after the expiry of the ultimatum given to the Poor Clares to current themselves on the ecclesiastical tribunal and clarify their place. The nuns didn’t seem within the courtroom, stating that they didn’t acknowledge the authority of the Church of Rome and reiterated their need to separate in a word revealed on the Instagram profile they opened.


With the excommunication the Poor Clares would now have to depart the monastery. It began in mid-Might when the abbess of the group, Isabel de la Trinidad, made public a 70-page Catholic Manifesto by which she communicated the nuns’ choice to depart the Catholic Church and place themselves underneath the tutelage of Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco, excommunicated in July 2019 and founding father of the “Pious Union of Saint Paul the Apostle”, a sect that doesn’t acknowledge the Second Vatican Council and believes that the final “true pope” was Pius XII. From that second the disaster with the Church opened. The archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, was appointed pontifical commissioner and tasked by the Holy See with managing the case.

In latest days he had requested the Poor Clares at hand over the keys to the monastery and had given them till Friday to current themselves on the ecclesiastical tribunal to elucidate their place. Nonetheless, the nuns refused. In accordance with what leaked to the Spanish media, reasonably than a choice on account of religion, the separation from the Church of Rome could possibly be motivated by an issue over an actual property operation, specifically the acquisition of the monastery of Orduña, within the Basque Nation, managed by the identical group of nuns. Not solely that, doubts have been additionally raised concerning the function performed by the abbess of the group, whose mandate expired on Might 29, in convincing the opposite sisters.

Schism, Viganò on trial. The accusations against Bergoglio and the Vatican's iron fist

The abbess denied the accusations by publishing some movies on Instagram by which the Poor Clares could be seen smiling, in concord and within the firm of their family. The excommunication of the abbess nuns got here within the aftermath of the accusation of schism towards Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, former nuncio to the USA, summoned by the previous Holy Workplace on fees of schism. Yesterday in a word the monsignor specified that he «has no intention of subjecting myself to a sham trial by which those that ought to decide me impartially to defend Catholic orthodoxy are on the identical time these whom I accuse of heresy, betrayal and abuse of energy”.

#rebelled #Church #Tempo
2024-06-27 01:33:02

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