They will ‘put together’ a security strategy to protect medical interns in Zacatecas – El Sol de Zacatecas

The Secretary of Public Security, Adolfo Marín Marín, met with medical interns, with whom he promised that some procedures might be established to allow them to carry out their social work and they can move quietly to the municipalities where they are going to provide their service.

He stated that through the Table for the Construction of Peace and Security The possibility of holding a meeting between the Ministry of Health, the head of medical education, who is responsible for all the interns, is being analyzed to carry out the distribution of the same.

In addition, a list of the elements that are going to participate in the fulfillment of their social work in the different municipalities has been requested and also to observe which are the municipalities where they are going to attend.


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Already in the course of the week these personalities might be summoned to carry out the meeting.

Regarding the type of procedure to be implemented, he pointed out that this is what is going to be analyzed.

The intern doctors informed the head of the Security Secretariat that the problems of the intern doctors did not occur during the transfer, but in the place where they were carrying out their activities, to which Marín Marín explained that a device is going to be implemented, The transfer has not been talked regarding, but it was said to see, where exactly, they are going to move, in order to know in which municipalities they are going to provide their services and, with this, to be able to establish some procedures that might allow these people to arrive and if they remain calmly in the municipalities where they are going to provide their services.

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