They will mobilize against the DNU and the anti-picketing protocol this Wednesday in Viedma, Bariloche and Roca

2023-12-27 03:40:00

Different Human Rights organizations from the province of Río Negro will mobilize this Wednesday, December 27 in Viedma, Bariloche and Roca, in rejection of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency issued by President Milei and the anti-picket protocol issued by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. “Both one and the other seriously affect democratic functioning”they stated in the letter.

The mobilization will be at 12 in all cities. In Roca they will gather on Tucumán and Avenida Roca streets and from there they will move to the Federal Court; In Viedma they will meet at the Federal Court and in Bariloche at the Civic Center.

In reference to the protocol, they pointed out that it ignores different rights such as “petitioning before the authorities, public assembly and democratic participation, as well as the right to freedom.”
of expression,” they expressed.

In the case of the DNU, they exclaimed that it does not meet the requirements established in the National Constitution, since “it is not issued in an exceptional situation and does not meet the legal requirements of necessity and urgency” and added that “with the issuance of this decree the The Executive Branch assumes powers that are inherent to the Legislative Branch. “Not showing any willingness to debate.”

«The constitutional norm is ignored, when it ignores the social rights established in Art. 14 bis that ensure the right to strike and prohibit arbitrary dismissal. In the same DNU, it demolishes any type of protection for the tenant and leaves everything up to the functioning of the real estate market. Modifies regulations that understand the pharmacy as part of a health system, to assign it a strictly commercial role, thus harming the rights of public health and psychophysical integrity.. Repeals the Supply Law, Gondola Law and price regulation, directly affecting the family economy of the popular sectors,” they pointed out and pointed out that “the repeal of the Land Law directly affects national sovereignty, favoring foreign interests.” .

They also highlighted that the decree advances the privatization of state companies, such as public media, suppressing citizens’ right to information.

These points mentioned constitute “just a couple of examples of the subjugation that the government pursues over the conquered rightsabove all the democratic and solidarity principles, built in our country,” they declared.

They also said that through authoritarianism they seek to impose a new social order in favor of the business sectors, generating harm to the popular classes, workers, SMEs, unions, unions and social organizations.

«It is necessary and urgent to stop this project that excludes the majorities, giving rise to the
repeal of rights won in historical struggles of working people,” they concluded.

The same is summoned by the Autonomous CTA, CGT- La Bancaria, CTA of the workers, the Human Rights Observatory, the Argentine League of Human Rights, Utep, CCC, Evita Movement, Somos Barrio de Pie, Fenat, ATE, Unter, Sitrajur, Adunc , Adiupa, Apinta, Asspur and Sitraiupa.

The Association of Relatives and Victims of Terrorism of the State of Río Negro joins, Network for the Right to Identity, Fiske Menuco nodeArgentine League for Human Rights in Patagonia, Commission for the Memory of Río Colorado, Human Rights Observatory of Río Negro, APDH Neuquén, Network for the Right to Identity in Cipolletti, Network for Human Rights in Cipolletti, Network for the Identity of the Viedma-Patagones Region.

#mobilize #DNU #antipicketing #protocol #Wednesday #Viedma #Bariloche #Roca



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