They will hold the second edition of the Mexican Wine Festival in Torreón

With the presence of 40 different wineries of Mexican wines, on Saturday June 25th se will hold the second edition of Mexican Wine Festivalin the Torreon Convention Centerwhich will have wine labels from Sonora, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Coahuila and Zacatecas.

The details of this event were given known by Vicente Revuelta, Canirac Events Coordinator; Javier de la Torre Nava, wine consultant; as well as Alvaro Ramos, from the House of Wine.

“The idea is bring the wine cellars of Coahuila and Mexico, with wineries of the country of Argentina, which will be the invited country and will be accompanied with the best restaurants in the region”.

will be only 1,500 tickets los that will be marketed in favor of the House Home Quinta Manuelita.

They present the second edition of the Mexican Wine Festival.

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They present the second edition of the Mexican Wine Festival.

For his part, Vicente Revuelta highlighted how the consumption of wine increased, by forming It is already part of the gastronomic culture of the Laguneros, “complementing the food and exponentiating its flavors”.

Meanwhile, Javier Nava de la Torre, a wine consultant, said that the presence at the festival of various wineries and their labels, reminded him how La Laguna was a wine producer in the years eighties.




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